formaluk/rɪˈɡres.ɪv/us/rɪˈɡres.ɪv/regressiveadjective(RETURNING TO PREVIOUS STATE)
returningto apreviousand lessadvancedorworsestateor way ofbehaving:
Incineratingwasteratherthanrecyclingit would be a regressivestep.
Vigilance isneededtoovercomethenaturalregressivetendencytobecomecomplacent.
(of anillnessoritseffects)becominglesssevere:
18patientshadactiveleprosy, and in 27 thediseasewas regressive.
returningto apreviousway ofreactingto something:
Regressivebehaviour-bed-wetting,throwingtantrums,wakingin thenight- iscommon.
Separationanxiety, regressivesymptoms, andpsychosomaticmanifestationsarefrequentlyassociatedwithPTSD.
used to refer to atypeofautism(= abrainconditionthataffectsthedevelopmentofsocialandcommunicationskillsinwaysthat can besevereorslight, and that can make someone'sbehaviourandinterestsdifferent frompeoplewithout thecondition)thatdevelopsbetween theagesof around 15 to 30months, after achildhas beendevelopingin theusualway :
Mostautismis regressive.
Anassociationwasfoundbetween regressiveautismandbowelproblems.
Deteriorating and making worse
- add
- admin
- aggravate
- backslide
- be (all) downhillidiom
- debase
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- devaluation
- devalue
- disintegrate
- dog
- make matters worseidiom
- one step forward, two steps backidiom
- regress
- regression
- relapse
- retrograde
- worse
- worsen
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Recovering from illness
Medical treatment: symptoms & diagnosis of medical problems
The brain & nervous system
Mind and personality
finance & economicsspecialized
(oftax)loweronlargeamountsofmoney, so that therichare lessaffected:
Thesinglemost regressivetaxis thetaxonfoodbecause everyone has toeat.
- amortizable
- anti-dumping
- anti-progressive
- anti-tax
- bedroom tax
- financial year
- fiscal year
- flat tax
- gas tax
- sales tax
- self-assessment
- shelter
- sin tax
- source
- taxpayer
- tithe
- top rate
- vat
- VATable