(alsofree-dive)uk/ˈfriː.daɪv/us/ˈfriː.daɪv/toswimasdeepas you can underwaterwithout usingbreathingequipment:
(不使用呼吸设备的)自由下潜,自由潜水Heplansto freedive through aniceholeon afrozenlakein Sweden to adepthof 131ft inwatertemperaturesof -2C.他计划通过瑞典一个湖上的冰洞,在零下2摄氏度的水温里下潜到131英尺的深度。
Ipractisedholdingmybreathso that I could free-divedeepertocatchabaloneandlobsteroff the Malibucoast.我练习屏住呼吸,这样就可以自由潜入更深的海域,在马里布海岸捕捉鲍鱼和龙虾。
- As aprecautionIcarrysmallSCUBAdeviceswith me when I freedive.
- He waskilledthedaybefore his 23rdbirthdaywhile free-diving in the Maldives.
- You can take the mostunhealthysmoker, the mostobesepersonin theworld. If they'rerelaxedandconfident, they can free-dive.
- aquatics
- bathe
- bathing costume
- bathing trunks
- bellyflop
- coasteering
- dip
- dive
- diving
- dog paddle
- floaty
- freestyle
- snorkelling
- spray park
- spray pool
- sub-aqua
- swim
- swimathon
- swimmer
- wetsuit
(alsofree-dive)uk/ˈfriː.daɪv/us/ˈfriː.daɪv/anactofswimmingdeepunderwaterwithout usingbreathingequipment:
(不使用呼吸设备的)自由下潜,自由潜水Iflewout with somefriendsto Norway and wepioneeredthe first freedive beneathpolarice.我和几个朋友一起飞到挪威,在极地冰下进行了人类第一次自由潜水。
He set a newdepthrecordfor a free-dive.他创造了自由潜水的新深度纪录。
- There are differentwaystobreathebefore a freedive and after, as well as aspecificway to takeyourlastbreathbefore adive.
- Theabsolutedepthworldfreediverecordsare 214metresfor men and 160metresfor women.
- It's not just someone whosnorkelsand goes abitdeeper. A free-dive shouldfeelabsolutelybeautiful.
- aquatics
- bathe
- bathing costume
- bathing trunks
- bellyflop
- coasteering
- dip
- dive
- diving
- dog paddle
- floaty
- freestyle
- snorkelling
- spray park
- spray pool
- sub-aqua
- swim
- swimathon
- swimmer
- wetsuit