(alsofree-diver)uk/ˈfriː.daɪ.vər/us/ˈfriː.daɪ.vɚ/apersonwhoswimsasdeepas they can underwaterwithout usingbreathingequipment:
(不使用呼吸设备的)自由下潜者,自由潜水人As the freediverdescends,pressureincreases, with the sameeffecton theeardrumas inflying.随着自由潜水员的下潜,压力增加,对鼓膜的影响和飞行时是一样的。
Some free-divers, whoswimwithout asnorkelorscubagear, canholdtheirbreathfor more than 10minutes.一些不带通气管或水肺的自由潜水者可以屏住呼吸超过10分钟。

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- Pelizzari,arguablythe mostaccomplishedfreedivereverto havedonnedawetsuit,knowsthewatersnearSantaTeresaintimately.
- Tanya Streeter, theworldchampionfreediver, willfeatureon fivestampsissuedby the Turks and Caicos Islands.
- Additionaldangersincludethetrulyhorrificscenarioin which the freediverdriftsaway from theholeand getstrappedunder theice.
- Being asurferand free-diver spear-fisher is myconnectionwith theocean.
- aquatics
- bathe
- bathing costume
- bathing trunks
- bellyflop
- coasteering
- dip
- dive
- diving
- dog paddle
- floaty
- freestyle
- snorkelling
- spray park
- spray pool
- sub-aqua
- swim
- swimathon
- swimmer
- wetsuit