theconditionorrightof beingableorallowedto do, say,think, etc. whatever youwantto, without beingcontrolledorlimited:
自由;不受限制;自主Ifeltsuch asenseof freedom, up in thehillsalone.独自一人呆在山上,我感到非常自在。
Children areallowedmuch more freedom thesedays.现在孩子们的自由大得多了。
[+ to infinitive]Incollege, youhavethe freedomtodo what youwant.在大学里,你想做什么就可以做什么。
Everyone should beallowedfreedomofchoice(= theabilityto maketheirownchoices).每个人都应享有自由选择的权利。
Freedomofspeechand freedomofthought(= theabilityto say andthinkwhatever youwant)were bothdeniedunder thedictatorship.在独裁统治下,言论和思想的自由都被剥夺了。
They arecampaigningfor freedomofinformation(= for anyinformationto beallowedto be given to anyone whowantsit).他们正在争取信息自由。
Wedemandfreedomfrominjustice/persecution(= theconditionof not having tosufferthese things).我们要求摆脱不公正的待遇/迫害。
arighttoactin the way youthinkyou should:
自由权利Beingabletovoteas youwantto is animportantpolitical/democraticfreedom.能够按自己的意愿投票是一项重要的政治/民主权利。
thestateof not being inprison:
(不被监禁的)自由Theyregainedtheirfreedom after tenyearsofunjustimprisonment.他们含冤入狱10年后重获自由。
givesomeonethe freedom of
tohonoursomeone by giving themspecialrightsin aparticularcity:
(授予(某人)在(某城市)的特权Thepensionerwill be given the freedom of Chester today at theageof 93.
- Thispartystandsforlowtaxesandindividualfreedom.
- Hewantsgreaterfreedom todevelophis ownideas.
- During hisspeech, helaidparticularstresson the freedom of thepress.
- "We are notterrorists, " he saidevenly. "We are freedomfighters."
- For mostcitizens,libertymeansthe freedom topractisetheirreligiousorpoliticalbeliefs.
Human rights
- affirmative action
- ageism
- ageist
- anti-discrimination
- anti-feminism
- desegregation
- discriminate
- discrimination
- gay liberation
- gay rights
- gender discrimination
- gender gap
- gender-based violence
- sister under the skinidiom
- sisterhood
- suffragette
- women's libber
- women's liberation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Freedom to act