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at best at-best at-bidding at bottom at-bottom
ATC at call at-call at close quarters/range at-close-quarters-range
at-command at-convenience at cost at-cost at cross purposes
(at) daggers drawn at-daggers-drawn at-disposal ate at each other's throats
at-each-other-s-throats at-earliest-convenience at-ease at-elbow atelier
at every turn at-every-turn at face value at-face-value at-fingertips
at first at-first at first blush at-first-blush at first glance
at-first-glance at/for a price at-for-a-price at/from a distance at-from-a-distance
(at) full blast at-full-blast at full/half throttle at-full-half-throttle (at) full speed/tilt/pelt
at-full-speed-tilt-pelt (at) full steam at-full-steam (at) full stretch at-full-stretch
(at) full throttle at-full-throttle at full tilt at-full-tilt at gunpoint
at-gunpoint at hand at-hand at heart at-heart
a/the bookmaker's a/the counsel of despair a/the gathering of the clans a-the-gathering-of-the-clans atheism
atheist Athena Athens atheroma atheromata
atherosclerosis atherosclerotic atherosclerotic lesion atherosclerotic plaque a thing of the past
a-thing-of-the-past a thing or two a-thing-or-two at His/Her Majesty's pleasure at-his-her-majesty-s-pleasure
athleisure athlete athlete's foot athlete-s-foot athletic
chubster chuck chuck-away-out chucked chuck-in
chucking chuckle chuckled chuckling chuck-out
chuck sb out chuck-sb-out chuck sb under the chin circulatory circulatory arrest
circulatory problem circumcise circumcised circumcising circumcision
circumduction circumference circumferential circumflex circumlocution
circumlocutory circumnavigate circumnavigated circumnavigating circumnavigation
circumpolar circumscribe circumscribed circumscribing circumscription
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