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be-off-your-chump be off your food be-off-your-food be off your head be-off-your-head
be off your nut be-off-your-nut be of good cheer be-of-good-cheer be of/have no fixed abode/address
be-of-have-no-fixed-abode-address be of like mind be-of-like-mind be of no concern be-of-no-concern
be of no/little account be-of-no-little-account be (of) no use be-of-no-use be-of-service-to
be of service (to sb) be-of-service-to-sb be of service (to someone) be of sound/unsound mind be-of-sound-unsound-mind
be of the essence be-of-the-essence be of the same mind be-of-the-same-mind be of two minds
be-of-two-minds be-on be on about be-on-about be on a collision course
be-on-a-collision-course be on a hiding to nothing be-on-a-hiding-to-nothing be on (an) equal, firm, etc. footing be-on-an-equal-firm-etc-footing
be on another planet be-on-another-planet be on an upward/downward trajectory be-on-an-upward-downward-trajectory be on a roll
be-on-a-roll be-on-ass be on a war footing be-on-a-war-footing be-on-back
be-on-best-behavior be-on-best-behaviour be on cloud nine be-on-cloud-nine a shoulder to cry on
chassis chaste chasten chastened chastening
chastise chastised chastisement chastising chastity
close-hauled close in close-in close inspection close-knit
close-knit close-knit family close link close look closely
closely held company closely-held-company close-near-thing closeness close observation
close of business close-of-business close-off close of play close-of-play
close-on close on sb/sth close on/to close-on-to closeout
close-out close out something close parallel close proximity closer alignment
close range close-range close ranks close-ranks closer attention
closer connection closer cooperation close relation close relative close resemblance
closer inspection closer integration closer link closer proximity closer relation
closer scrutiny closer supervision close-run close-run closer union
closer view close scrutiny close season close-season close-set
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