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be on the pull be-on-the-pull be on the rack be-on-the-rack be on the receiving end
be-on-the-receiving-end be on the right lines be-on-the-right-lines be on the right track be-on-the-right-track
be on the right/wrong track be-on-the-right-wrong-track be-on-the-road-to be on the road to something be on the road to sth
be-on-the-road-to-sth be on the run be-on-the-run be on the same wavelength be-on-the-same-wavelength
be on the scene be-on-the-scene be on the side of the angels be-on-the-side-of-the-angels be on the skids
be-on-the-skids be on the stage be-on-the-stage be-on-the-tip-of-tongue be on the tip of your tongue
be-on-the-tip-of-your-tongue be-on-the-way-to be on the way to something be on the way to sth be-on-the-way-to-sth
be on to a good thing be-on-to-a-good-thing be-on-top-of be on top of something be on top of sth
be-on-top-of-sth be-on-uppers be on/walk the beat be-on-walk-the-beat be on your beam ends
be-on-your-beam-ends be on your best behavior be on your best behaviour be-on-your-best-behaviour be on your deathbed
be-on-your-deathbed be on (your) guard be-on-your-guard be on your honor be-on-your-honor
be on your honour be-on-your-honour be on your uppers be-on-your-uppers be out for/after sb's scalp
be-out-for-after-sb-s-scalp be-out-for-after-scalp be out for/after someone's scalp be out for the count be-out-for-the-count
be out in left field be-out-in-left-field be-out-of-class be-out-of-element be-out-of-league
common carrier common-carrier common cause common characteristic common-cold
common complaint common complication common consent common contaminant common core
common courtesy/decency common-courtesy-decency common culture common currency common-currency
common decency common denominator common-denominator common descent common element
common enemy commoner Common Era common-era common error
common factor common-factor common fallacy common feature common folk
common form common fraction common-fraction common goal common good
common-good common grave common ground common-ground common heritage
common household common humanity common ingredient common interest common knowledge
common-knowledge common land common-land common language common law
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