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computed value computer computer-aided computer-aided computer-aided design
computer-aided-design computer analyst computer-analyst computer-animated computer-animated
computer animation computer-assisted computer-assisted computer-assisted design computer-assisted-design
computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing computer-assisted-design-computer-assisted-manufacturing computer-assisted engineering computer-assisted-engineering computer-assisted learning
computer-assisted-learning computerate computer-based training computer-based-training computer case
computer-case computer chip computer database computer data storage computer-data-storage
computer dating computer-dating computer enthusiast computer game computer-game
computer-generated computer-generated computer-generated image computer-generated image computer-generated imagery
computer-generated-imagery computer graphics computer-graphics computer hardware computer-hardware
computer-illiterate computer-illiterate computer industry computer-integrated manufacturing computer-integrated-manufacturing
computerization computerize computerized computerized control computerized database
be-out-of-line-with be out of line with something be out of line with sth be-out-of-line-with-sth be out of sorts
be-out-of-sorts be out of the question be-out-of-the-question be out of the way be-out-of-the-way
be out of the woods be-out-of-the-woods be out of work be-out-of-work be out of your class
be out of your element be-out-of-your-element be out of your league be-out-of-your-league be-out-on-ear
be out on your ear be-out-on-your-ear be out to lunch be-out-to-lunch be over the hump
be-over-the-hump be over the moon be-over-the-moon be-own-master be-own-person-woman-man
be-own-worst-enemy be par for the course be-par-for-the-course be-part-and-parcel-of be part and parcel of something
be part and parcel of sth be-part-and-parcel-of-sth be past it be-past-it be-past-sell-by-date
be past your sell-by date be-past-your-sell-by-date be penny-wise and pound-foolish be-penny-wise-and-pound-foolish be pissing in the wind
be-pissing-in-the-wind be-pitched-into be pitched into something be pitched into sth be-pitched-into-sth
be plain sailing be-plain-sailing be-playing-at be playing at something be playing at sth
be-playing-at-sth be/play in goal be-play-in-goal be-plenty-more-where-came-from be plenty more where sb/sth came from
be-plenty-more-where-sb-sth-came-from be plenty more where someone/something came from be-poodle be-prepared-to be prepared to do something
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