French tip
uk/ˌfrentʃ ˈtɪp/us/ˌfrentʃ ˈtɪp/astylefornailsin whichwhitepolish(=paint)ispaintedon to thetips(=ends)of thenails; thetipof anailthat has beenpaintedlike this:
法式美甲(在指甲的粉红部分涂一层亮油,而在白色部分涂上白色指甲油作为装饰)This is amoderntake on theFrenchtip.这是对法式美甲的现代诠释。
They often takepicturesof alltheirtoestogetheroncethey'reproperlyscrubbedandpolishedwithFrenchtips.他们常常把脚趾彻底擦洗、涂上法式美甲,然后给所有脚趾照一张照片。

elena1110/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Here's acollectionofFrenchtipnaildesigns.
- TheFrenchtipswerepoorlysprayed.
- To makeyourjobabiteasierwhenpaintingyournails, useFrenchtiptape.
Beauty treatments
- aesthetic
- aesthetician
- beautician
- beauty
- beauty salon
- electrolysis
- exfoliate
- exfoliation
- eye mask
- fake tan
- filler
- French manicure
- rasul
- sauna
- self-tan
- self-tanning
- serum
- solarium
- sunbathe
- sunbed