Scottish Borders
uk/ˌskɒt.ɪʃ ˈbɔː.dəz/us/ˌskɑː.t̬ɪʃ ˈbɔːr.dɚz/acouncilarea(= anareawithitsownlocalgovernment)insouthernScotland:
苏格兰边境区(位于苏格兰南部的一个议会区)Thesmalltownof Melrosesitsin thebeautifulrollingcountrysideoftheScottishBorders.梅尔罗斯小镇坐落在苏格兰边境区美丽绵延的村野之中。
- Counciltaxbillsrose5.3% to £985 inScottishBorders.
- Around 60% ofwoodlandhas beenlostin someareassuch asScottishBorders, Northamptonshire, and Gloucestershire.
- WesourceourgamefromselectedestatesacrosstheScottishBorders.
- theScottishBordersTourist Board
Towns & regions: named regions of countries
- Aberdeen City
- Aberdeenshire
- AK
- AL
- Alabama
- fife
- fl.
- Flintshire
- Florida
- Floridian
- Missourian
- MN
- Monmouthshire
- Montana
- Montanan
- Stirling
- Stirlingshire
- Strathclyde
- Suffolk
- the Sunbelt