(alsodog-leg)uk/ˈdɒɡ.leɡ/us/ˈdɑːɡ.leɡ/asharpbend,especiallyin aroador on agolfcourse:
(尤指公路或高尔夫球场的)急转弯Thedriverlostcontrolas hetriedtonegotiatea dogleg on asteepmountainroad.
The 17thholeis aleft-handdog-leg.
- Theroadmakes a dog-leg towards Puerto in theeast.
- Themainroaddescribesa dog-leg through thesite.
- TheSouthernHillscoursehas many doglegs.
- The lastholeis anastyuphilldogleg.
- Near the end of themarathoncomes a dog-legrightturninfrontof Buckingham Palace.
- a hole in oneidiom
- bogey
- bogie
- caddy
- clip
- crazy golf
- cut
- delivery
- fore
- fringe
- golf
- golf ball
- hook
- outhit
- round
- slice
- tee
- tee(something)up
- teesomeoneoff
- yip
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Geometry: bends, loops & curves
(alsodog-leg)uk/ˈdɒɡ.leɡ/us/ˈdɑːɡ.leɡ/(of aroute)bendingsharply,especiallyin aroador on agolfcourse:
We had tofollowa dog-legdiversionaround theroadworks.
The nextholeis a doglegright.
- Thegolfcoursewasdesignedby thefamousJames Braid, whospecializedin dogleglayouts.
- A doglegsidepassagewayin agardenmeansyou have thechancetocreateanelementofsurpriseas youturnthecorner.
- Everyone wasfollowingthe same dog-legroute.
- Themainhallhas apairofmassiveTuscanplastercolumnsand anelegantdog-legstaircase.
Geometry: bends, loops & curves
- anfractuous
- arc
- coil
- conic
- curl
- curve
- fishhook
- helix
- hyperbola
- hyperbolic
- kink
- loop
- meander
- parabola
- peaked
- spline
- tight
- twist
- whorl
- wraparound
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
(alsodog-leg)to take aroutethatbendssharply:
Thecoursedoglegsrightand thenleft.
- Go through thegate, doglegleftandrightround the end of thebarnand thenjointhefarmlane.
- Theroadsweepson to thevillageof Palékastro, then doglegssouth.
- There was alineofpeoplestretchingdownSouthBraddockAvenueand doglegging past thegasstation.
- I took aphotofrom theplaneof thedeepwaterchannelthat dog-legged in from thewest.
Geometry: bends, loops & curves
- anfractuous
- arc
- coil
- conic
- curl
- curve
- fishhook
- helix
- hyperbola
- hyperbolic
- kink
- loop
- meander
- parabola
- peaked
- spline
- tight
- twist
- whorl
- wraparound
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: