sea stack
uk/ˈsiː ˌstæk/us/ˈsiː ˌstæk/(alsostack)atallpieceofrockstickingout of theseanear thecoast,formedby theactionof thewavesagainst therockon thecoast:
海蚀柱,海边岩柱Seastacksforma dotted-line off thecoast.海蚀柱在海岸外形成了一条虚线。
TheOldMan of Stoer is a 200ftseastack off thewestcoastofScotland.“斯托尔老人”是苏格兰西海岸外一座200英尺高的海蚀柱。

FrankvandenBergh/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thetidecame in,engulfingthemassiveseastacks.
- The Point of Arches, aheadlandofseastacksandjaggedarches,welcomesyou to Shi Shi.
- This 120msandstoneseastackrisesfrom theseajust off thewestcoastof the Orkneyislandof Hoy.
Geography: promontories & peninsulas
- arm
- cape
- Cape Cod
- causeway
- head
- headland
- isthmus
- panhandle
- peninsula
- peninsular
- point
- promontory
- spit
- stack
- tombolo