释义 |
frontnoun[C usually singular](PLACE)A2thepartof abuilding,object, or person'sbodythatfacesforwardor is most oftenseenor used: 前面;正面 The front of themuseumis veryimpressive.博物馆的正面极为壮观。 Hespilledsoupall down the front of hisshirt.他把汤洒得衬衫前襟上都是。 He waslyingon his front.他俯卧着。 Theactorwalkedout to the front of thestage.这位演员走到台前位置。 Theshopfrontoccupiesa veryprominentpositionon themainstreet.这家商店的门脸在大街上占据了一个非常显眼的位置。 A2thepartof avehiclethat isnearesttoitsdirectionofmovement: (车辆的)前部 Do youwanttositin thefront(= next to thedriver)?你想坐到前座上来吗? If wesitnear the front of thebus, we'll have abetterview.如果我们坐在公交车的前部,视野就会好一些。 theoutsidepartorcoverof abook,newspaper, ormagazine: (书刊等的)封面;(报纸的)头版There was apictureof the Trevifountainonthe front of thebook.书的封面上有一张特里威喷泉的图片。 one of the firstpagesin abook: (书的)前几页中的一页There's aninscriptioninthe front of thebook.书的前面一页上有题词。 in front B1furtherforwardthan someone or somethingelse: 在前面 Thecarin frontsuddenlystoppedand Islammedon thebrakes.前面的车突然停住,我急忙刹车。 UKwinningagameorcompetition: (在比赛或竞赛中)取胜,领先 Byhalftimethe Italians were well in front.半场时意大利队遥遥领先。 See morein front of A2closeto the frontpartof something: 在…之前 There'sparkingspacein front of thehotel.旅馆前有停车的地方。 A2where someone canseeorhearyou: 当着(某人)的面,在(某人)面前 Please don'tswearin front of thechildren.当着孩子们的面请不要骂人。 See moreup front If you give someone anamountofmoneyup front, youpaythatpersonbefore they do something for you: 预付;提前支付Hewantsall themoneyup front or he won't do thejob.他要求预付全款,否则他就不接这活儿。 See more- Heelbowedhis way to the front of thecrowd.
- There are twoentrances- one at the front and one round the back.
- When thedoorsopenedshebargedher way to the front of thequeue.
- Thisplanshowsthe front,sideand backelevationsof the newsupermarket.
- Hernamewasemblazonedacrossthe front of thetheatre.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSurfaces of objects - -backed
- back
- base
- bases
- bed
- crust
- escutcheon
- face
- meniscus
- multi-sided
- nap
- obverse
- outside
- overlay
- plate
- rear
- side
- substrate
- superficialis
- surface area
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Edges & extremities of objects Road vehicles in general Books & parts of books frontnoun[C usually singular](AREA OF ACTIVITY)aparticularareaofactivity: (表示活动范围的)领域,阵线How are things on theworkfront?(= Is thesituationatworksatisfactory?)工作第一线的情况怎么样? She's verycreativeon thedesignfront(= she is very good atdesign).她在设计方面极具创造性。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTopics & areas of interest - angle
- backyard
- bailiwick
- cause célèbre
- centrism
- con
- convention
- demesne
- issue
- kingdom
- leitmotiv
- province
- scene
- score
- specialism
- subject
- talk
- thematic
- theme
- topically
See more results » frontnoun[C usually singular](APPEARANCE)[Cusually singular]thecharacterorqualitiesthat apersonororganizationappearsto have inpublicthat are different fromtheirrealcharacterorqualities, and whosepurposeis often todeceivepeopleorhideanillegalactivity: (人或机构的)伪装;假装的样子 Don't befooledby hiskindnessandsensitivity- it's just a front.别被他的善意和体贴所愚弄——那只不过是装相而已。 Shepresentssuch acheerfulfront that you'd neverguessshe'sill.她看上去兴高采烈的,你根本猜不到她正在生病。 Themachinerycompanywas a frontoperationforarmssmuggling.那家机械公司只不过是为走私军火打掩护而已。 Severaltradingcompanieswere set up in the early 1960s toactas frontsformoney-launderingoperations.20世纪60年代早期成立了几家贸易公司,目的是为洗钱作掩护。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAffected & insincere - affectation
- affected
- affectedly
- archly
- artificial
- feyness
- forced
- fustian
- glib
- glibly
- posey
- preciously
- preciousness
- precocious
- precociousness
- theatricality
- theatrically
- tokenism
- tokenistic
- two-faced
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: frontnoun[C usually singular](LAND)[Cusually singular]UKlandnear theseaor alake, or thepartof atownnear thebeachthat often has awideroadorpathalong it: 海滨;湖畔;滨海(或滨湖)大道 Let's go for astrollalong the front.咱们去海滨散散步吧。 Thecompanyspecializesinbuildinglake-frontproperty.那家公司专门承建滨湖房地产项目。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCoasts & beaches - barrier reef
- beachcomb
- beachcomber
- beachcombing
- beachfront
- coastal
- esplanade
- frontage
- groin
- maritime
- mudflat
- prom
- riviera
- seafront
- strand
- the Amalfi Coast
- the seashore
- the seaside
- tide pool
- tombolo
See more results » frontnoun[C usually singular](WEATHER)[C]environmentspecializedtheplacewhere twomassesofairthat have differenttemperaturesmeet: (气象)锋 Acold/warmfront isapproachingfrom thewest.冷/暖锋正从西方迫近。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWeather & climate - general words - aneroid barometer
- anthelion
- aurora
- aurora australis
- aurora borealis
- climate
- climatology
- element
- glass
- low-pressure
- meteorological
- meteorologist
- mock sun
- Northern Lights
- occluded front
- occlusion
- parhelion
- rare
- the Met Office
- weather forecaster
See more results » frontnoun[C usually singular](AREA OF FIGHTING)theplacewherefightingtakesplacein awar: (战争)前线He was asoldieron theWesternfront inWorldWar I.第一次世界大战时,他是西线的一名战士。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlaces involved in military activity - air bridge
- air corridor
- bases
- Bastille
- battlefield
- battleground
- camp
- emplacement
- enceinte
- fort
- front-line
- garrison
- Martello tower
- multi-front
- observation post
- obstacle course
- parade ground
- PX
- theatre
- unmanned
See more results » GrammarIn front of The prepositional expression in front of means ‘close to the front of something or someone’. It is the opposite of behind:… Oppositeorin front of? Opposite as a preposition means ‘in a position facing someone or something but on the other side’:… B1in or at the front of something: 前面的;前部的 One of his frontteethismissing.他的一颗门牙掉了。 I'd likeseatson the frontrow.我想要剧场前排的座位。 a dog's frontpaws狗的前爪 Synonymsanteriorspecialized fore forward(DIRECTION) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGeneral location and orientation - about
- along
- anterior
- around
- back ontosomething
- every
- far
- frontal
- hind
- left
- left-hand
- nearside
- noncentral
- offside
- on-site
- orientated
- point
- position
- round
- side-on
See more results » [IorT](alsofront onto)If abuildingorareafronts (onto) aparticularplace, it is near it andfacesit: (建筑物或地方)朝向,面向 All theapartmentsfront onto thesea.所有的公寓都面向大海。 [T]toleadanorganizationorgroupofmusicians: 领导(机构);担任(领唱或领奏) She fronts alargeITcompany.她领导一家大型 IT 公司。 be fronted with If abuildingis fronted with something,itssurfaceiscoveredwith it: (建筑物等)表面镶以(或覆以)Thekitchenhasoakcabinetsfronted withglass.厨房里装着表面镶着玻璃的橱柜。 See more[T]Inbasketball, if aplayerfronts anopposingplayer, theystandin front of them, between theopposingplayerand anotheropposingplayerwho has theball,ratherthan between theplayerand thebasket: Theforwardsplayedman-to-man, fronting thepostplayers. The Wildcats oftendefendthelowpostby frontingplayers. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThrough, across, opposite and against - across
- across countryidiom
- against
- agin
- along
- catty-corner
- country
- cross
- give
- kitty-corner
- on
- opposite
- other
- overland
- through
- thru
- to
- trans
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Managing and organizing Basketball, netball & volleyball agroupofpeoplesharingapoliticalbeliefwhoperformactionsinpublictoachievetheiraims: (政治组织名称)阵线TheNationalFront is anextremelyright-wingpoliticalpartyinBritain.民族阵线是英国极端右翼政党组织。 The Animal Liberation Front hasclaimedresponsibilityforreleasingthemonkeysfrom thelaboratory.动物解放阵线宣称是他们将那些猴子从实验室放走的。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPolitical movements & groups - alt-right
- anti-Bolshevik
- anti-Bolshevism
- anti-capitalism
- antidisestablishmentarianism
- Antifa
- awkward
- big tent
- labour movement
- left
- left-winger
- leftism
- right-winger
- rightist
- sectarian
- sectarianism
- the awkward gangidiom
- the left wing
- the SDLP
See more results » (Definition offrontfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)frontnoun[C usually singular](PLACE)A2thepartof abuilding,object, or person'sbodythatfacesforwardor is most oftenseenor used 前面;正面The front of themuseumis veryimpressive.博物馆的正面极为壮观。 Hespilledsoupall down the front of hisshirt.他把汤洒得衬衫前襟上都是。 He waslyingon his front.他俯卧着。 Theactorwalkedout to the front of thestage.这位演员走到台前位置。 Theshopfrontoccupiesa veryprominentpositionon themainstreet.这家商店的门脸在大街上占据了一个非常显眼的位置。 A2thepartof avehiclethat isnearesttoitsdirectionofmovement (车辆的)前部Do youwanttositin thefront(= next to thedriver)?你想坐到前座上来吗? If wesitnear the front of thebus, we'll have abetterview.如果我们坐在公交车的前部,视野就会好一些。 theoutsidepartorcoverof abook,newspaper, ormagazine (书刊等的)封面;(报纸的)头版There was apictureof the Trevifountainonthe front of thebook.书的封面上有一张特里威喷泉的图片。 one of the firstpagesin abook (书的)前几页中的一页There's aninscriptioninthe front of thebook.书的前面一页上有题词。 in front B1furtherforwardthan someone or somethingelse 在前面Thecarin frontsuddenlystoppedand Islammedon thebrakes.前面的车突然停住,我急忙刹车。 Shestartedtalkingto the man in frontofher.她开始跟前面的那个男人攀谈起来。 UKwinningagameorcompetition (在比赛或竞赛中)取胜,领先Byhalftimethe Italians were well in front.半场时意大利队遥遥领先。 in front of A2closeto the frontpartof something 在…之前There'sparkingspacein front of thehotel.旅馆前有停车的地方。 A2where someone canseeorhearyou 当着(某人)的面,在(某人)面前Please don'tswearin front of thechildren.当着孩子们的面请不要骂人。 up front If you give someone anamountofmoneyup front, youpaythatpersonbefore they do something for you. 预付;提前支付Hewantsall themoneyup front or he won't do thejob.他要求预付全款,否则他就不接这活儿。 - Heelbowedhis way to the front of thecrowd.
- There are twoentrances- one at the front and one round the back.
- When thedoorsopenedshebargedher way to the front of thequeue.
- Thisplanshowsthe front,sideand backelevationsof the newsupermarket.
- Hernamewasemblazonedacrossthe front of thetheatre.
frontnoun[C usually singular](AREA OF ACTIVITY)aparticularareaofactivity (表示活动范围的)领域,阵线How are things on theworkfront?(= Is thesituationatworksatisfactory?)工作第一线的情况怎么样? She's verycreativeon thedesignfront(= she is very good atdesign).她在设计方面极具创造性。 frontnoun[C usually singular](APPEARANCE)[Cusually singular]thecharacterorqualitiesthat apersonororganizationappearsto have inpublicthat are different fromtheirrealcharacterorqualities, and whosepurposeis often todeceivepeopleorhideanillegalactivity (人或机构的)伪装;假装的样子Don't befooledby hiskindnessandsensitivity- it's just a front.别被他的善意和体贴所愚弄——那只不过是装相而已。 Shepresentssuch acheerfulfront that you'd neverguessshe'sill.她看上去兴高采烈的,你根本猜不到她正在生病。 Themachinerycompanywas a frontoperationforarmssmuggling.那家机械公司只不过是为走私军火打掩护而已。 Severaltradingcompanieswere set up in the early 1960s toactas frontsformoney-launderingoperations.20世纪60年代早期成立了几家贸易公司,目的是为洗钱作掩护。 frontnoun[C usually singular](LAND)[Cusually singular]UKlandnear theseaor alake, or thepartof atownnear thebeachthat often has awideroadorpathalong it 海滨;湖畔;滨海(或滨湖)大道Let's go for astrollalong the front.咱们去海滨散散步吧。 Thecompanyspecializesinbuildinglake-frontproperty.那家公司专门承建滨湖房地产项目。 frontnoun[C usually singular](WEATHER)[C]environmentspecializedtheplacewhere twomassesofairthat have differenttemperaturesmeet (气象)锋Acold/warmfront isapproachingfrom thewest.冷/暖锋正从西方迫近。 frontnoun[C usually singular](AREA OF FIGHTING)theplacewherefightingtakesplacein awar (战争)前线He was asoldieron theWesternfront in World War I.第一次世界大战时,他是西线的一名战士。 GrammarIn front of The prepositional expression in front of means ‘close to the front of something or someone’. It is the opposite of behind:… Oppositeorin front of? Opposite as a preposition means ‘in a position facing someone or something but on the other side’:… B1in or at the front of something 前面的;前部的One of his frontteethismissing.他的一颗门牙掉了。 I'd likeseatson the frontrow.我想要剧场前排的座位。 a dog's frontpaws狗的前爪 [IorT](alsofront onto)If abuildingorareafronts (onto) aparticularplace, it is near it andfacesit. (建筑物或地方)朝向,面向All theapartmentsfront onto thesea.所有的公寓都面向大海。 [T]toleadanorganizationorgroupofmusicians 领导(机构);担任(领唱或领奏)She fronts alargeITcompany.她领导一家大型 IT 公司。 be fronted with If abuildingis fronted with something,itssurfaceiscoveredwith it. (建筑物等)表面镶以(或覆以)Thekitchenhasoakcabinetsfronted withglass.厨房里装着表面镶着玻璃的橱柜。 agroupofpeoplesharingapoliticalbeliefwhoperformactionsinpublictoachievetheiraims (政治组织名称)阵线The National Front is anextremelyright-wingpoliticalpartyinBritain.民族阵线是英国极端右翼政党组织。 The Animal Liberation Front hasclaimedresponsibilityforreleasingthemonkeysfrom thelaboratory.动物解放阵线宣称是他们将那些猴子从实验室放走的。 front| American Dictionaryfrontnoun(PLACE)[C]the mostforwardpositionor mostimportantsideof anobjectorsurface: The front of thehousefacesPeachStreet. My littleboycan’teaticecreamwithout most of itdrippingdown the front of hisshirt. You’llfindthedateofpublicationin the front of thebook. I like tositnear the front of theplaneso that I can be among the first to get off. Do youwantme tolieon my front(= thesideof mybodythatfacesforward)or on my back? Would you like me tositin the front(= mostforwardseat)or the back of thecar? DadpushedMatthew in thestrollerwhileDavidand Stephenwalkedin front(=fartherforwardthan theothers). [C]in apositioncloseto the mostforwardor mostimportantpart: Theychattedfor a while in front of theapartmenthouse. in front of Someone who is in front of someoneelseis in apositiondirectlyforwardof thatperson: Carla andBobweresittingin front of me at themovie. frontnoun(AREA OF ACTIVITY)[Cusually sing]aparticularareaofactivity: Now let’s take alookatnewson thehealthfront. I’m not having muchluckon thejobfront. [Cusually sing]During awar, a front is aparticularplaceofdirectedmilitaryactivity. frontnoun(APPEARANCE)[U]anappearancethat apersonchoosesto show toothersinsteadofshowinghis or hertruefeelings: Even though he doesn’t like hisin-laws, he always puts on acheerfulfront when they come tovisit. [U]A front can also be aperson,group, or thing used tohidetherealcharacterof asecretorillegalactivity: Thesocietywas a front for makingillegalpoliticalcontributions. frontnoun(WEATHER)[C]earth sciencetheadvancingedgeof amassofcoldorwarmair: frontnoun(POLITICAL GROUP)[Cusually sing]anorganizationofpoliticalgroupsunitedto putforwardideasorprogramsthat theyshare: The Animal Liberation Frontpromisedtocontinuetargetingthecompanyuntil allanimaltestingstops. frontverb[I/T](PLACE)tofaceor be next to something: [I/T]Housesfronting(on) theoceanare the mostexpensive. frontadjective[not gradable](PLACE)in or at the front of something: I’d likeseatsin the frontrowof thebalcony. Alicedesignedthe frontcoverof thebook. I always go in through the frontdoorinsteadof going around to the back. (Definition offrontfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[C]thepartof abuildingthatfacesor isnearestto thestreetor that is most oftenseenor used: shop/store frontTheshopfrontoccupiesa veryprominentpositionon themainstreet. at the front of sthThe newstylesweredisplayedat the front of thestore. [S]used to refer to aparticularareaofactivity: How are things on theworkfront? She's verycreativeon thedesignfront. [S]behaviourthat apersonshowsinpublicand that is different fromtheirrealcharacter: Don't befooledby hisapparentsympathy- it's just a front. [C,usually singular]apersonororganizationthat is used todeceivepeopleor tohideanillegalactivity: Thetradingcompanywas set up in 2001 toactas a front for money-launderingoperations. in front (of sb/sth) moresuccessfulthan otherpeopleorcompaniesdoing the samejobor in the sameindustry: Majorbrandleadersgot out in front first and have set thepacefor othercompanies. up front if you give someone anamountofmoneyup front, youpaythem before they do something for you: Hewantsall themoneyup front or he won't do thejob. front of mind(alsotop of mind) MARKETINGif abrand,product, orcompanyis front ofmind, it is the first one thatpeoplethinkof when they areconsideringbuyingsomething: We needadvertisingthat willkeepthebrandfront ofmindandhelpreinforcebrandvalues. consideredveryimportantand usuallythoughtof first bypeople: Foodsafetyissuesaffecteveryone and arebecomingincreasinglyfront ofmindwithconsumerstoday. on the front burner consideredveryimportantand to bedealtwith or givenattentionbefore other things: keep/put sth on the front burnerWe need to put thisprojecton the frontburnerandfinishit assoonaspossible. [IorT]PROPERTY(alsofront on/onto)if abuildingorareafronts or fronts on or onto aparticularplace, it is near it andfacesit: Thestorefronts thecentralsquareat themall. [T]toleadanorganization, or be thepersonwith themainresponsibilityfor aparticularproject, etc.: She fronts alargeITcompanyin Germany. Theyappointedhim to front thetakeoverbid. (Definition offrontfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/front## |