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单词 run up
释义 run up
*They ran up the national flag in honor of the victory.他们升起国旗,庆贺胜利。
2.make quickly by sewing ; build or erect quickly很快地缝;迅速地造起或架起
*They ran up the shed in a very short time.他们一会儿就把棚子搭好了。
*He is running up huge debts.他债台越筑越高。
*He ran up a big bill during his stay in town.他在城里逗留期间,欠了一大笔债。
*I've run up an overdraft and now the bank's stopped my credit.我的透支剧增,所以银行停止了我的信贷。
*The extra grant will only just cover the deficit that we've run up already.额外的拨款将勉强弥补我们已经积欠下来的亏空。
4.cause to increase;raise; increase by bidding; bid up, as at an auction or sale抬高(价格);提高;(在拍卖时)迫使(对方)出高价
*The special packaging will run up the price of the item.特殊包装会抬高这种商品的价格。
*The sales of the book ran up.这书的销售量迅速上升。
5.add or count up quickly 迅速把… 加起来
*He ran up this column of figures in a few minutes.他在几分钟内就把这一行的数字加起来了。




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