USuk/fjuːz/us/fjuːz/(alsofuse)astringorpieceofpaperconnectedto afireworkor otherexplosivethat is used forlightingit, or adeviceinside abombthatcausesit toexplodeafter afixedlengthoftimeor when ithitsor is near something:
导火线,引信Fireworks arecomposedof ashell, anexplosive, and a fuze.烟花是由弹壳、炸药和引信组成的。
Hepreparedandlaidthree fuzes.他准备并放置了三条导火索。

Steve Cicero/Corbis Documentary/GettyImages
- Dadlitthe fuze and wewatchedthefireworkblastinto thesky.
- The mine did notexplodebecause the fuzes had gone out.
- It took a lot ofnerveto go in there and relight those fuzes.
- banger
- catherine wheel
- cracker
- firecracker
- firework
- fuse
- pyrotechnic
- pyrotechnician
- pyrotechnics
- rocket
- Roman candle
- sparkler
- squib
- touchpaper
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bombs & missiles
US(alsofuse)uk/fjuːz/us/fjuːz/toaddafuzeto afirework,bomb, or otherexplosive:
点燃导火索,点燃引信;引爆Heshowedme aphotoofworkersfuzingfireworksin afactory.他给我看了一张工人在工厂里引爆烟花的照片。
Noprojectileshould be fuzed until it has beenfilled.在炮弹装填完毕之前,不得点燃导火索。
- Thejobinvolvesfuzingfireworks.
- Alandminemay or may not have beenprimed, fuzed, orotherwisepreparedfor use.
- After theprojectilehas been fuzed andpreparedforfiring, it isplacedon theloadingtrayandsecuredwith thestrap.
- banger
- catherine wheel
- cracker
- firecracker
- firework
- fuse
- pyrotechnic
- pyrotechnician
- pyrotechnics
- rocket
- Roman candle
- sparkler
- squib
- touchpaper
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bombs & missiles