trademarkmainlyUS(alsofroyo,fro-yo)uk/ˈfrəʊ.jəʊ/us/ˈfroʊ.joʊ/abrandnamefor a verycold,sweetfoodmade fromfrozenyogurt(= aslightlysourthickfoodmade frommilk, and oftensugarandfruit):
Froyo issimilartoicecreamand I'msureyou wouldloveitscreamytaste.
It wasridiculouslyhotoutside, so we got some fro-yo.

- ThevanillaFroyo is agreatalternativetoicecream.
- If I could have just onefoodin theworld, it would be froyo.
- Theyservethebestfroyo in thecity.
- He went out topickup some froyo.
- We areicecreamand froyofanatics, and havetriedover a hundred differentbrandsandflavours.
Puddings, desserts & ices
- baked Alaska
- baklava
- banana split
- bananas Foster
- banoffee pie
- crumble
- dessert
- dulce de leche
- dumpling
- entremets
- knafeh
- knickerbocker glory
- kugel
- lolly
- mochi
- spotted dick
- summer pudding
- sundae
- syllabub
- tapioca