uk/ˌfaɪvˈdʒiː/us/ˌfaɪvˈdʒiː/technologythat givesmobilephoneandinternetusersmoreadvancedfeaturesthan 4G. 5G isshortfor "fifthgeneration":
第五代移动通讯技术(5G为“第五代”的缩写)5G is set to be as much as 100timesfasterthan 4G.5G的速度将是4G的100倍之多。
5Gnetworkswill havegreaterbandwidth, givingfasterdownloadspeeds.5G网络将拥有更大的带宽,提供更快的下载速度。
- 5G is the fifthgenerationtechnologystandardforcellularnetworks.
- Somepeoplefellfor aconspiracytheory,fuelledbymisinformation, whichclaimedthat 5G wascausingillness.
- Thetowerwasequippedwith thelatest5Gtelecomsequipment.
- SouthKorea wasfaraheadof all othercountriesinits5Gdeployment.
Communications - by telephone
- 3G
- 4G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- autodialler
- dialling tone
- helpline
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- prepay
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
- transfer
- wake-up call