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tapverb(HIT)B2[IorT]tohitsomethinggently, and oftenrepeatedly,especiallymakingshort,sharpnoises: (常指连续)轻拍,轻叩,轻敲 Thebranchestappedagainstthewindow.树枝轻轻敲打着窗户。 I couldhearhim tapping hisfingerson thedesk.我能听见他用手指轻叩桌子的声音。 I was tapping myfeet(=hittingthefloorgentlywith myfeet)to themusic.我随着音乐用脚打着拍子。 Someone tapped meon theshoulder.有人轻轻拍我的肩膀。 [IorT]totouchthescreenof aphone,tabletcomputer, etc. inorderto give aninstructionfor something tohappen: 轻触(手机或平板电脑等给予指令) You canmanagetherepeatandshuffleoptionsby tapping thescreenonceandswipingto theleft.你可以通过轻触一下屏幕向左滑动来使用重复和移动功能。 When I tappedontheupdatebutton, thescreenwentblank.当我轻触升级按钮时,屏幕显示消失了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTouching & feeling - dab
- feel
- felt
- fiddle
- fiddle (around) withsomething
- get to second baseidiom
- get to third baseidiom
- hand
- kiss
- paw
- pet
- play withsomething
- retexture
- second base
- stroke
- tactile
- texture
- third base
- touch
- toy withsomething
See more results » tapverb(GET)[T]to get or make use of something: 开发;开辟;着手利用 For more than acentury,Easterncitieshaveexpandedtheirwatersuppliesby tappingevermoreremotesources.一个多世纪以来,东部的城市通过开发更偏远地区的水源,扩大了水的供应。 There is arichveinofliterarytalenthere justwaitingto be tapped bypublishers.众多文学才俊会聚于此,等待着出版商慧眼识珠。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesUsing and misusing - adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- recycle
- spare
- spent
- swallow
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
See more results » tapverb(PHONE)[T]to use asmalldeviceattachedto aphoneinordertolistensecretlyto whatpeopleare saying: 在(电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听 Hesuspectedthat hisphonehad been tapped.他怀疑自己的电话被人窃听了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAmplifiers, microphones & speakers - amplifier
- balance
- bass
- bullhorn
- earphone
- electrophone
- headphone
- headphones
- headset
- hot mic
- loudhailer
- megaphone
- mic
- microphone
- mike
- mike check
- pa
- public address system
- soundbase
- Tannoy
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: International relations: spying and espionage Phrasal verbstapsomeoneforsomething tap intosomething tap out tapsomethingout tapnoun(DEVICE)B1[C]UK(USfaucet)adevicethatcontrolstheflowofliquid,especiallywater, from apipe: (水)龙头,阀门 thehot/coldtap热水/冷水龙头 Turn thetapon/off.打开/关掉水龙头  Sam Edwards/OJO Images/GettyImages [C]UKadevicethatcontrolstheflowofgasfrom apipe (煤气)阀门 [C]adevicethatcontrolstheflowofbeerfrom abarrel, or from apipeconnectedto abarrel: Somebeertapsproducedmorefoamthanbeer. on tap used todescribebeerthat isservedfrom abarrelthrough a tap (啤酒)装在有旋塞的桶里的,散装的availablefor use at anytime: 随时可用的Working in alibraryas I do, I have all thisinformationon tap.我在图书馆工作,可以随时查阅所有这些资料。 - Thewaterwasbarelydribblingout of the tap.
- I still haven't got round tofixingthat tap.
- Someidiotleftthe taprunningin thebathroomand there'swatereverywhere.
- Thehottap isrunningcold!
- There's atrayunder each tap tocatchthebeerslops.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBuilding: plumbing, pipes & sewage - airlock
- ballcock
- caulking
- cesspit
- cistern
- conduit
- hydrant
- influent
- mixer tap
- outfall
- overflow
- plunger
- sewage
- sewage works
- sewer
- siphon
- spigot
- standpipe
- syphon
- waterworks
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Selling & serving alcoholic drinks Beer & cider Available and accessible tapnoun(HIT)B2[C]agentleknockortouch, or thenoisemade byknockingsomethinggently: 轻扣,轻敲,轻拍;轻轻拍打(或敲击)的声响 I gave her a tap on theshoulderand sheturnedaround.我轻轻拍了她的肩一下,她回过头来。 There was a tap on thewindow- Dad wasoutside!有人轻轻敲了一下窗子--是爸爸在外面! SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTouching & feeling - dab
- feel
- felt
- fiddle
- fiddle (around) withsomething
- get to second baseidiom
- get to third baseidiom
- hand
- kiss
- paw
- pet
- play withsomething
- retexture
- second base
- stroke
- tactile
- texture
- third base
- touch
- toy withsomething
See more results » tapnoun(DANCE)[U]→tap dancing: 踢踏舞(同 tap dancing) Heteachestap andballroom.他教人跳踢踏舞和交谊舞。  4x6/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDance & choreography - arabesque
- backing dancer
- backspin
- backup dancer
- ballerina
- cut a rugidiom
- dabbing
- dance
- dance studio
- dancer
- morris dance
- morris dancer
- morris dancing
- mosh
- mosher
- Terpsichore
- terpsichorean
- throw shapesidiom
- tights
- tutu
See more results » tapnoun(PHONE)[C]asmallpieceofequipmentthat can beattachedto aphoneinordertolistensecretlyto someone'sphonecalls: 在(电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听 Heclaimsthat heknewnothing ofgovernmentphonetaps onjournalistsduring thoseyears.他宣称自己对那几年政府监听记者电话的事一无所知。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInternational relations: spying and espionage - agent
- agent provocateur
- anti-bug
- counter-espionage
- insider
- intel
- intelligence
- MI5
- MI6
- operative
- scout
- shadow
- sleuthing
- snoop
- spook
- spy
- spy onsomeone/something
- superspy
- tail
- the CIA
See more results » tapnoun(SPEECH SOUND)[C]phoneticsspecializedasoundmade by thetonguemovingupwardsanddownwardsveryquicklyandhittingthealveolararea 弹音 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: phonology & phonetics - alliterative
- alveolar
- apheresis
- aphesis
- aphetic
- aspirate
- assonance
- guttural
- homonym
- laterally
- lax
- lenis
- macron
- misemphasis
- phonology
- segmental
- semivowel
- sibilance
- sibilant
- speech pathology
See more results » (Definition oftapfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)tapverb(HIT)B2[IorT]tohitsomethinggently, and oftenrepeatedly,especiallymakingshort,sharpnoises (常指连续)轻拍,轻叩,轻敲Thebranchestappedagainstthewindow.树枝轻轻敲打着窗户。 I couldhearhim tapping hisfingerson thedesk.我能听见他用手指轻叩桌子的声音。 I was tapping myfeet(=hittingthefloorgentlywith myfeet)to themusic.我随着音乐用脚打着拍子。 Someone tapped meon theshoulder.有人轻轻拍我的肩膀。 [IorT]totouchthescreenof aphone,tabletcomputer, etc. inorderto give aninstructionfor something tohappen 轻触(手机或平板电脑等给予指令)You canmanagetherepeatandshuffleoptionsby tapping thescreenonceandswipingto theleft.你可以通过轻触一下屏幕向左滑动来使用重复和移动功能。 When I tappedontheupdatebutton, thescreenwentblank.当我轻触升级按钮时,屏幕显示消失了。 tapverb(GET)[T]to get or make use of something 开发;开辟;着手利用For more than acentury,Easterncitieshaveexpandedtheirwatersuppliesby tappingevermoreremotesources.一个多世纪以来,东部的城市通过开发更偏远地区的水源,扩大了水的供应。 There is arichveinofliterarytalenthere justwaitingto be tapped bypublishers.众多文学才俊会聚于此,等待着出版商慧眼识珠。 tapverb(PHONE)[T]to use asmalldeviceattachedto aphoneinordertolistensecretly to whatpeopleare saying 在(电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听Hesuspectedthat hisphonehad been tapped.他怀疑自己的电话被人窃听了。 Phrasal verbstapsbforsth tap intosth tap out tapsthout tapnoun(DEVICE)B1[C]UK(USfaucet)adevicethatcontrolstheflowofliquid,especiallywater, from apipe (水)龙头,阀门thehot/coldtap热水/冷水龙头 Turn thetapon/off.打开/关掉水龙头 [C]UKadevicethatcontrolstheflowofgasfrom apipe (煤气)阀门 on tap used todescribebeerthat isservedfrom abarrelthrough a tap (啤酒)装在有旋塞的桶里的,散装的 availablefor use at anytime 随时可用的Working in alibraryas I do, I have all thisinformationon tap.我在图书馆工作,可以随时查阅所有这些资料。 - Thewaterwasbarelydribblingout of the tap.
- I still haven't got round tofixingthat tap.
- Someidiotleftthe taprunningin thebathroomand there'swatereverywhere.
- Thehottap isrunningcold!
- There's atrayunder each tap tocatchthebeerslops.
tapnoun(HIT)B2[C]agentleknockortouch, or thenoisemade byknockingsomethinggently 轻扣,轻敲,轻拍;轻轻拍打(或敲击)的声响I gave her a tap on theshoulderand sheturnedaround.我轻轻拍了她的肩一下,她回过头来。 There was a tap on thewindow- Dad wasoutside!有人轻轻敲了一下窗子--是爸爸在外面! tapnoun(DANCE)踢踏舞(同 tap dancing)Heteachestap andballroom.他教人跳踢踏舞和交谊舞。 tapnoun(PHONE)[C]asmallpieceofequipmentthat can beattachedto aphoneinordertolistensecretly to someone'sphonecalls 在(电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听Heclaimsthat heknewnothing ofgovernmentphonetaps onjournalistsduring thoseyears.他宣称自己对那几年政府监听记者电话的事一无所知。 tapnoun(SPEECH SOUND)[C]phoneticsspecializedasoundmade by thetonguemovingupwardsanddownwardsveryquicklyandhittingthealveolararea 弹音 tapverb[I/T](HIT)tohitsomethinglightlyandquickly, or to make asoundby doing this: [T]She tapped the back of hishand. [I]Casey is tapping away at hiscomputer. To tap is also to tap-dance. tapverb[I/T](OBTAIN)toobtainor make use of something: [T]Theirtryto tap thestudents’naturalabilities. [I]I can tap intocomputersall over theworld. Phrasal verbstap outsomething/someone tap outsomething tapnoun[C](DEVICE)adevicethatcontrolstheflowofliquid,esp.water; afaucet: on tap Beer that is on tap isservedfrom abarrel(=largecontainer)through a tap. tapnoun[C](HIT)aquickandlighthit, or thesoundthat this makes : She gave him a tap on theshoulder. There was a tap at thedoor. tapnoun[C](TELEPHONE)They put a tap on herphone. (Definition oftapfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)[IorT]to get or make use of something thatexists, such asmoney,skills,information,energy, etc.: Thecompanyhas tapped a $8750generalfundsurplustopayfor thebuildingprojects. Ultra-deepwaterdrillingtechniquesallowthem to tapenergyreservesoncethoughtto be out ofreach. tap into sthThey aredrivenby adesireto tap into thislucrativecommercialmarket. tap sth for sthDo we have anyassetsthat can be tapped forcapital? [T]USinformaltochoosesomeone for ajob: tap sb to do sthTheboardtapped him toleadthecompanythroughbankruptcyreorganization. [T]ITinformalto putinformation,numbers, etc. into acomputer,telephone, etc. bypressingbuttons: tap away at/on sthWhen I came in, she was tapping away at hercomputer. tap sth into sthHe tapped hispasswordinto thecomputer. tap sth inShoppers may also beaskedto tap inidentitynumbersattills. tap sth outSMSallowspeopletosendmessagestapped out on thetelephonekeypad. [C]apieceofequipmentthatcontrolstheflowofliquidorgasfrom apipe: Water waspouringout of all the taps. agastap on tapinformal availablefor use at anytime: With theinternet,firmshave all thisinformationon tap. USreadyorlikelytohappenat afuturedate: Manyinvestorsareworriedabout what's on tap when themarketsreopentomorrowmorning. Thecompanyhas about 115 newstoreson tap for 2012. (Definition oftapfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesoftaptap Alternatively it could be that this factor taps into some other, structural, dimension of the local area.From theCambridge English Corpus They are tapping rubber that are no longer productive.From theCambridge English Corpus We, like many users of the task, would not want to claim that it taps directly into necessary stages of speech processing.From theCambridge English Corpus On the one hand, there are serious reasons to doubt that the task tapped the semantic level.From theCambridge English Corpus A number of studies have suggested that lexical decision and namingtapdifferent aspects of post-lexical processing.From theCambridge English Corpus Future research should address this issue directly using various types of phonemic awareness tasks thattapinto the representation and processing of intrasyllabic units.From theCambridge English Corpus They appear totapinto different additional skills.From theCambridge English Corpus The hind legs rubbed or tapped repeatedly on the ventral surface of the female's abdomen.From theCambridge English Corpus Whenever a town succeeded in tapping a larger supply of water, its drainage became a more acute problem.From theCambridge English Corpus This test taps children's ability to recall appropriate words in context and provides information pertaining to receptive and expressive vocabulary.From theCambridge English Corpus Thus, vocabulary knowledge and the skills tapped by the ability to recognize written words were associated with naming ability.From theCambridge English Corpus The child was instructed to listen for the target word dog and to raise ortapa finger whenever he or she heard the target.From theCambridge English Corpus The pattern of intercorrelations across various submeasures of exam performance was not uniform, suggesting that different exam components were tapping a range of different abilities.From theCambridge English Corpus Infants' expressed emotions were measured with four different observational methods that, in aggregate,tappositive and negative emotional responses across a broad range of situations.From theCambridge English Corpus Within the groups of meteredtapand non-taphouseholds, however, our data are likely to be largely representative.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/tap## |