uk/ˈɡæŋ.weɪ/us/ˈɡæŋ.weɪ/apassagebetweenrowsofseats, forexamplein acinemaorbus:
Hissuitcasewasblockingthe gangway.
Theperformersenterthearenadramaticallyviathe gangways.

Pilyong Lee/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
aboardorpassagethatjoinsaship,aircraft, orbuildingto thelandor to anotherbuilding, forpeopletowalkalong:
Theroomlookedout onto a gangway between twobuildings.

Christian Aslund/Lonely Planet Images/GettyImages
- Shepointedto anemptyseatat the end of arownear the gangway.
- Iranup a gangway andedgedalong behind theseatstoreachhim.
- They werewelcomedas theyexitedthecoveredgangwayconnectingtheplanetoterminal.
- The gangway is 150feetabove theriveratitshighest.
- Work has notcompletedon pier-sideelevatorstomovepeopleon and off theship, sopassengerswill have toclimba gangway to get onboard.
Buses, trams & coaches
- bus
- bus conductor
- combi
- double-decker
- jitney
- kombi
- limousine
- local
- omnibus
- park-and-ride
- school bus
- shuttle
- streetcar
- through
- tram
- tramlines
- trolley
- trolleybus
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Parts of buildings: passages & entrance areas
Phrases telling people to go away
uk/ˈɡæŋ.weɪ/us/ˈɡæŋ.weɪ/something youshoutwhen youwantpeopletomoveout ofyourway:
There werecriesof "Gangway!" as someone who hadfaintedin thecrowdwas beingcarriedout.
Thehillisperfectforrunningorsledgingdown. Gangway!
General words for movement
- betake
- budge
- budge up
- carry
- circulate
- dad dancing
- kinetic
- kinetic energy
- libration
- locomotion
- mill around
- motion
- move
- pass
- round
- rove
- scoot
- seethe
- shove
- slip
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: interjections