(alsooverfussy)uk/ˌəʊ.vəˈfʌs.i/us/ˌoʊ.vɚˈfʌs.i/over-fussyadjective(NOT EASILY SATISFIED)
noteasilysatisfied, or havingstandardsaboutparticularthings that arehigherthan ishelpfulornecessary:
They are not overfussyaboutusingauthenticItalianingredients.
Itseemsunjustthat thedecisionsof over-fussyofficialscanimpactsonegativelyonourlives.
- When mygrandmotherwasyoung, more than onebathaweekwasconsideredover-fussy.
- The overfussyrefereeissuedtencautionsin the firsthalf.
- Shesufferedfrom having an over-fussymotherand anabsentfather.
- He was an over-fussypartyhostwhoneededtofeelhe hadcontrolover everything thathappened.
Wanting everything to be right
- anally
- anally retentive
- choosy
- cover all the basesidiom
- dot the i's and cross the t'sidiom
- finicky
- fuss
- fussbudget
- fussily
- fussiness
- pedant
- pedantic
- pedantically
- pedantry
- perfectionism
- punctiliously
- punctiliousness
- purism
- purist
- stickler
over-fussyadjective(TOO MANY DETAILS)
having too muchdecoration, too manyparts, or too manysmalldetails:
The over-fussyoutfitwascoveredincolourfulbows.
Thehandfulof overfussyarrangementson thisalbumruinwhat isotherwiseanaccomplishedfirstrelease.
- It wasn’t over-fussyfood; justfresh,wholesome, and home-cooked.
- Herlivingroomhad the over-fussydecorationbelovedofcertainelderlywomen of hergeneration.
- Theeffectof so manymirrorscouldbecomeoverfussy.
Not attractive to look at
- back end
- be no oil paintingidiom
- be not much to look atidiom
- bleakly
- bleakness
- chintzy
- excrescence
- gopping
- gracelessly
- hatchet-faced
- have a face like the back end of a busidiom
- hideous
- hideousness
- pretty
- pretty-pretty
- reptilian
- scrappily
- scrappy
- vulgarity
- vulgarly
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Detailed and careful
An overfussybabyis more than usuallyunhappyordifficulttoplease:
Parents of over-fussybabieswill besurprisedtodiscoverthattheirover-attentiveness is making thesituationworse.
As ababy, she was overfussy and could neversettlewithout anadulttosingher tosleep.
Feeling sad and unhappy
- a dog's lifeidiom
- a long faceidiom
- angsty
- be cut upidiom
- be down in the mouthidiom
- be in a funkidiom
- be in bitsidiom
- distraught
- distressed
- dog
- doleful
- lovelorn
- lovesick
- low-spirited
- lugubrious
- wistfully
- woe
- woe is meidiom
- woebegone
- woeful