uk/ˈrʌf.nəs/us/ˈrʌf.nəs/roughnessnoun[U](NOT SMOOTH)
thequalityof not beingevenorsmooth, often because of being inbadcondition:
不平整The roughness of theroadsis thebiggestdangertotyres.路面不平是轮胎最大的危险。
thequalityof notfeelingsmoothtotouch:
粗糙the roughness of hisskin他的皮肤粗糙
- Thecompanymakesdevicesthattestthe roughness ofsurfacestoensuretheymeetprecisespecifications.
- Inourmemorieswesmellthesunscreenandsaltairandfeelthehotroughness of thesand.
- Thespinand roughness of theballreally do make adifference.
- She couldsmellhiscologneandfeeltheslightroughness of hisfaceagainst hers.
Rough, irregular and uneven
- abrasion
- abrasive
- abrasiveness
- bumpy
- coarsely
- jag
- jagged
- jaggedly
- jaggy
- jerky
- pebbled
- pockmarked
- ragged
- raggedly
- raggedness
- raggedy
- scratchy
- unsteadily
- unsteady
- wonky
roughnessnoun[U](NOT GENTLE)
thequalityof not beinggentle:
粗鲁,不文雅Kids stillplaytagat hisschoolbut no roughness isallowed.孩子们仍然在他的学校玩捉人游戏,但不允许有粗暴行为。
aqualityof aplacethat is notpleasantbecause a lot ofviolentthingshappenthere:
(治安环境)混乱,暴乱The roughness of theareaput off manybuyers.该地区不良的治安状况让许多买家望而却步。
- Heemphasizesthe sport's roughness anddanger.
- There was little roughness in thesport, and muchplayfulness.
- Hisbehaviourincludedsomephysicalroughness such asslappingandshaking.
- Theairlineagentslammedtheboxon to theconveyorbeltwith a roughness that was notappropriatefor such apreciousitem.
- Theauthoracknowledgesthe roughness andcorruptionof backstreetsawaitingdemolition.
- Underitspolishedveneerand boho-chicreputation, the roughness of the area'sformerdaysstilllurks.
Violent or aggressive
- aggressive
- aggressively
- aggressiveness
- aggro
- agonistic
- ferocity
- fierce
- fierceness
- fighting words
- flex
- pugnacious
- pugnacity
- rabble-rousing
- raging
- Rambo
- viciousness
- violence
- warlike
- warmonger
- warmongering
aloud,unpleasantqualityin asound, often one thatsuggestssomething isdamaged:
(声音的)粗哑、难听There was no roughness to hervoice.她的声音一点都不粗鲁。
- Despite theoccasionalroughness, hersinginghad adeepandtruebeauty.
- Inextremecases, themusictook on a roughness thatrendereditunattractiveandtechnicallyinaccurate.
- He'd beenwrong: there was no roughness to hervoice, just adeephuskiness that made it, well,seductive.
- Theresultcould beengineroughness duringacceleration.
Describing qualities of the human voice
- adenoidal
- aloud
- be dripping withsomethingidiom
- brittle
- drip
- dulcet
- fruity
- full-throated
- full-throatedly
- guttural
- honeyed
- husky
- lilting
- nasal
- throatily
- throatiness
- throaty
- tonelessly
- twangy
- vocal fry
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
In bad condition
roughnessnoun[U](NOT DETAILED)
thequalityof not beingexactordetailedor not in afinalform:
粗略,简略,大致the roughness of theimages图像的粗糙程度
thequalityof beingsimpleand madequickly:
the roughness of thefurniture
- There's a roughness totheirshows, one thatsignalstheaudiencetorelax.
- The roughness of Matisse'smodellinggives hissculpturesof women anunusualairofindependence.
- We're notprintingonphotopaperso some roughness inyourimagesisacceptable.
- The table's roughness washiddenunder abaizeclothpockmarkedbycigaretteburns.
- Thebookcapturesthe roughness andrusticityofSpanishfood.
- -ish
- about
- approx.
- approximate
- approximately
- around
- in the vicinity ofidiom
- loose
- loosely
- more
- more or lessidiom
- rough
- round
- rule
- sense
- some
- something
- something like 96 percent, half, etc.idiom
- somewhere
- sort
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Crude and basic
(of theseaor theweather) thequalityof havingstrongwindsorbigwaves:
狂风大作;波涛汹涌They wereunaffectedby the roughness of thesea.他们没有受到海面波涛汹涌的影响。
- We weredelayedfor a fewhoursby the roughness of theriver.
- We had acabinso if there was any roughnessthroughoutthenightwesleptthrough it.
- Happilyunaffectedby the roughness of thesea, theyatewith goodappetite.
- On anexposedbitofland, the roughness of theweatherisheightened.
Describing bad weather
- bleak
- bleakly
- bleakness
- break
- depression
- dreich
- fickleness
- gray
- grey
- greyness
- inclement
- murky
- overcast
- rough
- treacherous
- trough
- unseasonably
- unseasonal
- unseasonally
- wuthering
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Wind & winds