pak choi
uk/ˌpæk ˈtʃɔɪ/us/ˌbɑːk ˈtʃɔɪ/avegetable, often used inChinesecooking, that hasdarkgreenleavesonthickwhitestems:
小白菜,青菜(一种蔬菜,常用于中国饮食中,茎厚白,叶深绿)Pak choi is akindofChinesecabbage.
Add the beansprouts and pak choi to thechickenstockandcookfor 1minute.
bok choi

Floortje/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Pak choi is amemberof thecabbagefamilyand isconsideredone of severalsupervegetables.
- Add the pak choi andspinach, andtossuntil theleavesjustbegintowilt.
- Trycuttingthe pak choi inhalffrombasetotopandcookingthewholehalvestopreservetheelegantshape.
Types of vegetable
- alfalfa
- allium
- Anaheim
- artichoke
- arugula
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese leaves
- collard
- corn on the cob
- corn salad
- Jerusalem artichoke
- jicama
- kabocha
- kale
- kohlrabi
- salsify
- savoy cabbage
- scallion
- Scotch bonnet
- shallot