uk/ˈpæl.ət/us/ˈpæl.ət/athinboardwithcurvededgesand aholeforyourthumb, used byartiststomixtheirpaintson while they arepainting:
调色板I was like anartistwith his palette.
Heshowedhisstudenthow topreparea palette.

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therangeofcoloursthat apainter,photographer,filmmaker, etc. usually uses:
Matisse's palettetypicallyconsists ofbrightblues,greensandoranges.马蒂斯所运用的典型色彩包括亮蓝、绿色和橙色。
Thedirectorreturnsto thesaturatedcolourpalettes that made himfamous.
therangeofcoloursused in thedecorationof ahouse, etc.:
Shechoseamutedpalette -puttygreenin thelivingroom, arichbrownin thebedroom.
Ilovethisquilt, thecolourpalette is sosoftandsoothing.
therangeofcoloursavailableto theuserof acomputer, etc.:
Pixels of twocoloursfrom the 16colourpalette could bedisplayedin eachblock.
aflatcasecontainingmake-upsuch aseyeshadoworhighlighterof differentcolours:
This palettecontainsnine ofourbestsellingeyecolours.
IdecidedI just couldn'tlivewithout thoseglamorousmakeup palettes that Ispottedindutyfree.
Painting & drawing materials
- airbrush
- blank canvas
- brush
- canvas
- drawing board
- easel
- glitter
- manikin
- mannikin
- oil
- paint
- paintbrush
- palette knife
- pencil
- poster colour
- poster paint
- stencil
- template
- watercolour
- woodblock
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Colour - general words
Computer concepts
Make-up & skin care