noun[Cusually singular]
psychology,social sciencesspecializeduk/ɡəˈʃtælt/us/ɡəˈʃtɑːlt/something such as astructureorexperiencethat, whenconsideredas awhole, hasqualitiesthat are more than thetotalof allitsparts:
格式塔;完形(一种结构或者经历,其整体不等于各部分简单相加之和)This newbiographyis the first toconsiderfullythe writer's gestalt.这部新传记第一次全面探讨了这位作家的各个方面。
Science of psychology & psychoanalysis
- analyse
- analysis
- behavioural science
- behaviourist
- cathartic
- certify
- committal
- Freudian
- profiler
- psych
- psychiatric
- psychiatry
- psychic
- psychical
- psycho
- psychological profiling
- psychologist
- self-discovery
- superego
- transference
adjective[before noun]
psychologyspecializeduk/ɡəˈʃtælt/us/ɡəˈʃtɑːlt/consideringortreatingwhat apersonexperiencesandbelievesas awholeandseparatething:
格式塔心理学的(将个人经历和信仰作为整体和局部来考虑和治疗)In gestaltpsychologyand gestaltpsychotherapy, people'sthoughtsandemotionsareseenascomplexwholes.在格式塔心理学和格式塔精神疗法中,人的思想和情感被视为复杂的整体。
Science of psychology & psychoanalysis
- analyse
- analysis
- behavioural science
- behaviourist
- cathartic
- certify
- committal
- Freudian
- profiler
- psych
- psychiatric
- psychiatry
- psychic
- psychical
- psycho
- psychological profiling
- psychologist
- self-discovery
- superego
- transference