uk/ˈpær.ə.məʊ.tər/us/ˈper.ə.moʊ.t̬ɚ/apieceofequipmentconsisting of amotorwornon the back thatallowssomeone to take off andflythrough theairusing aparachute(= alargepieceofcloththatattachesto thepersonwithstrings):
A paramotor is akindof engine-poweredhang-glider.
Thepairmade anattempttoflyparamotors overMountEverest.
- A paramotor is asortofbackpackthatholdsapropellerand aparachute, andenablesthewearertoflyat several hundredfeet.
- How do youassemblea paramotor?
- You canfitthe paramotor in the back of acar.
Air sports
- base jumper
- base jumping
- glide
- gliding
- hang-gliding
- parachute
- paraglider
- paragliding
- paramotoring
- parapente
- parascending
- powered paraglider
- powered paragliding
- skydiver
- skydiving
- slow roll
- wingsuiting