to make ageneralstatementthat something istruein allcases,basedon what istruein somecases:
You can't generalizeaboutacontinentasvariedasEurope.对于欧洲这样一个异彩纷呈的大陆,你无法一言以蔽之。
It'sdifficultto generalize, but mostbabiescan say a few words by theageof 12months.
Dr Meyerwarnedagainst generalizing theresultstopopulationsnotincludedin thestudy.
- Shakespearelovesto generalize abouthumankind: "Thusconsciencedoes makecowardsof us all."
- Employers must bewaryof atendencyto generalize aboutgroupsofpeopleon thebasisof verylimitedexperience.
- Peopleaskme whatfractionof aninvestmentportfoliostocksorbondsshould be, but you can't generalize. Itdependson the individual'sfinancialcircumstances.
- Thetheorycan be generalized to many othercases.
Elaborating, specifying and simplifying
- abstract
- anti-reductionism
- anti-reductionist
- broad brush
- broaden
- enlarge
- enlarge on/uponsomething
- expand
- expand onsomething
- expansively
- overgeneralization
- overgeneralize
- oversimplification
- oversimplify
- predigested
- specificity
- specify
- split hairsidiom
- standardization
- standardize