[CorU](alsoUKbombe glacéepluralbombes glacées)
asweetdishconsisting oficecreamand usually otherlayerssuch ascake,fruit, orchocolate,frozeninto a roundshape:
(法式)炸弹甜品The Coconut Bombefeaturesthesun-kissedflavoursofcoconutencasedincreamywhitechocolate.椰子味炸弹甜品凸显了包裹在奶油白巧克力中、太阳亲吻过的椰子味道。
- Thedeliciousbombe consists of aheartofstrawberrysorbet, amiddlelayerofwhitechocolateparfait and anouterlayerofmeringue,toppedwithfreshstrawberries.
- Thecheesecake,chocolatebombe,applepieandsorbetare all home-made.
- Fordessert, Ichosethelimeandpineapplebombe.
- ShesoughtoutItaliangelateria on hertravels,theirglasscabinetsfilledwithicecreamgateauxandfrozenbombes.
- The bombe glacée isindispensable, itseems, to a gooddinner.
Puddings, desserts & ices
- baked Alaska
- baklava
- banana split
- bananas Foster
- banoffee pie
- dessert
- dulce de leche
- dumpling
- entremets
- Eton mess
- knafeh
- knickerbocker glory
- kugel
- lolly
- mochi
- spotted dick
- summer pudding
- sundae
- syllabub
- tapioca
adevicethat was akindof earlycomputer, used by the British duringWorldWar II tocrack(=understand)codesused by the Germans tosendsecretinformation:
bombe机器(一种早期的计算机,在二战期间被英国人用来破解德国人的秘密信息代码)Thedirectorof the Bletchley Park Trustbelievesthat the Turing bombe is atrueprogenitorof themoderncomputer.布莱切利园信托基金的负责人认为,图灵的bombe机器是现代计算机的真正前身。
- ByNovember1941 there were fifteen bombes: at the end of thewarthere were several hundred.
- The bombe,designedby Alan Turing and Gordon Welchman, after thePolishcryptographic bomba byMarianRejewski (1938), came intoproductiveuse in 1941.
Codes & decoding
- cipher
- code word
- coded
- cryptanalysis
- crypto
- cryptography
- cryptologist
- decipher
- decode
- decrypt
- encode
- encrypt
- encryption
- passcode
- QR code
- scramble
- scrambler
- token
- tokenization
- tokenize