bomb scare
uk/ˈbɒm ˌskeər/us/ˈbɑːm ˌsker/asituationin whichpeoplearewarnedthat abombhas beenleftsomewhereandpeopleare told toleavetheareaorbuilding
炸弹恐吓(警告人们某处有炸弹,需要撤离该地)Threats & warnings
- (just) you waitidiom
- alarm bell
- beware the ides of Marchidiom
- brushback pitch
- canary
- canary in a coalmineidiom
- caveat
- communication cord
- don't you dareidiom
- false alarm
- heads-up
- send a signal (to sb) thatidiom
- slip
- there's many a slip twixt cup and lipidiom
- tip
- tipsomeoneoff
- trigger warning
- ultimatum
- warning
- yellow card