go off
phrasal verbwithgoverbuk/ɡəʊ/us/ɡoʊ/present participlegoing|past tensewent|past participlegone
If alightor amachinegoes off, itstopsworking:
(电灯)熄灭;(机器)停止运行,停止运转Thelightswent off in severalvillagesbecause of thestorm.这场暴风雨造成了几个村庄停电。
- Thedamageto thefuseboxcausedthepowerto go off.
- Thelightgoes off when thebatteriesareflat.
- Thematchhad to beabandonedwhen thefloodlightswent off.
- Theelectricitywill be going off for tenminuteswhile theworkmentestthecircuit.
- It's gettingcold. Theheatermust have gone off.
Machines - not functioning
- act
- break
- brokenness
- brownout
- burn out
- conk
- conk out
- cut
- cutsomethingout
- DDoS
- dead
- defective
- dysfunction
- fritz
- idle
- incapacitate
- shudder to a haltidiom
- shutdown
- stall
- temperamentally
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Not pleasant to eat or drink
If abombgoes off, itexplodes:
爆炸Thebombwent off atmidday.炸弹在中午爆炸。
If agungoes off, itfires:
(枪)走火,开火Hisgunwent offaccidentally.他的枪不小心走火了。
- Thefireworkwent off in hisface.
- They couldhearthesoundofbombsgoing off in thebackground.
- Theexplosiveswent off withoutwarning.
- We mustcleartheareabefore thebombgoes off.
- Do notmoveuntil youhearthestartingpistolgo off.
Exploding and erupting
- blast
- blow
- blow(someone/something)up
- blowout
- burst in onsomeone/something
- burst in/into(somewhere)
- detonate
- detonator
- erupt
- explosion
- explosive
- explosively
- explosiveness
- flame
- go popidiom
- go up
- implode
- pop
- setsomethingoff
- test-fire
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Detonation & bombardment
Iffoodordrinkgoes off, it is not good toeatordrinkany more because it is tooold:
(食物、饮料等)变质,变坏,腐败Thisbaconsmellsabitfunny- do youthinkit's gone off?这熏猪肉闻起来有点怪怪的——你觉得它是不是变质了?
See also
- Put themilkback in thefridgeorelseit will go off.
- Thatmeatlookslike it's gone off.
- Cream will go off veryquicklyif it is notkeptin thefridge.
- Preservatives areaddedtopreventfoodfrom going off soquickly.
- Food that is notstoredcorrectlygoes off morequickly.
Decaying and staying fresh
- best-before date
- biodegradable
- biodegrade
- compost
- decay
- decompose
- mouldy
- nonperishable
- nutrient cycling
- out of date
- perish
- perishable
- rack
- rotten
- seed
- sell-by date
- shrivel
- shrivelled
- spoil
- withered
If awarningdevicegoes off, itstartstoringloudlyor make aloudnoise:
(警报器等)突然发出巨响Thealarmshould go offautomaticallyassoonassmokeisdetected.警报器一旦测出有烟就会自动鸣响。
Didn't youhearyouralarmclockgoing off thismorning?今天早晨你没听到你的闹钟响吗?
- They couldhearthefireworksgoing off in thedistance.
- Hiscaralarmis always going off bymistake.
- I got arealshockwhen thefirealarmwent off.
- Take thechickenout of theovenwhen thetimergoes off.
- Abuzzergoes off if thedoorhas beenleftopen.
Sounds made by objects, movement or impact
- babble
- blaze
- bong
- chuff
- clatter
- click away
- clicker
- clinking
- clunk
- crump
- growl
- gunshot
- hiss
- jangling
- plunk
- scrunch
- sonic boom
- tick
- white noise
- whoosh
toleaveaplaceand gosomewhereelse:
离开She's gone off onholidaywithTony.她和托尼一块去了酒吧。
- abandon
- abandonment
- absquatulate
- backward
- be ready to rollidiom
- move
- outgoing
- p.o.q.
- peel away/off
- piss off
- pull
- pull out
- pullsomethingoff
- sea
- strike
- takesomethingoff
- turfsomethingout
- vacate
- vamoose
- walk
tohappenin aparticularway:
发生;进展Theprotestmarchwent offpeacefully.抗议示威游行是和平进行的。
Occurring and happening
- afoot
- asynchronous
- attendant
- be at workidiom
- become
- eventuate
- fall
- fall into placeidiom
- follow on
- go hand in hand withsomethingidiom
- go on
- pass
- result
- resynchronize
- roll
- roll around
- shake out
- succeed
- supervene
- turn
(质量)变劣,下降That paper's really gone off since they got that neweditor.那份报纸自从换了那个新主编后,可读性大大降低。
Deteriorating and making worse
- add
- admin
- aggravate
- backslide
- be (all) downhillidiom
- debase
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- devaluation
- devalue
- disintegrate
- dog
- make matters worseidiom
- one step forward, two steps backidiom
- regress
- regression
- regressive
- wear thinidiom
- worse
- worsen