Politicsmeans the activities of the government or people who try to influence theway a country is governed. We use a singular verb with it:
A lot of young people just don’t seem interested inpoliticsthese days.
Not: …interested in policy…
Politicsis power in action.
Politicsalso means the study of the ways in which a country is governed:
He studiedPoliticsat university then got a job with the United Nations in New York.
The adjective form related to the nounpoliticsispolitical:
My friends and I are always havingpoliticaldiscussions late into the night.
Not: …having politic discussions…
If I did a degree, I’d like to studyPolitical Science.
A person who is involved in politics (e.g. a member of parliament or a member of the government) is apolitician:
Politiciansrarely give straight answers to questions from journalists.
Not:Politics rarely give straight answers…
Policymeans a plan of action or a set of rules agreed by a business, a politicalgroup or a government, saying what they will do in a particular situation:
It’s not companypolicyto sell goods to persons under the age of 18.
The economicpolicyof the government is in ruins because of the global credit crisis.
Not:The economic politics of the government…