fromEnglish Grammar Today
Promiseis a noun and a verb.
Apromiseis something that you say you will definitely do:
I’ll be here for your birthday. That’s apromise!
We often use the verbmakewithpromise:
Bethmade a promiseto Owen that she would look after his dog whenever he was away. Now she regrets it.
We can use the verbpromiseto say that we will definitely do something. We use it with a clause withwill, wouldor with ato-infinitive. It is sometimes followed bythat:
IpromiseI’ll buy you another one.
Not:I promise I buy you another one.
Ipromisenever to tell him.
The builderpromisedthat he would be here on Tuesday.
We can use the modal verbwillto make promises:
I’llalways remember you.
We’llsend you the contract tomorrow.
See also: