Dareis both a main verb and a semi-modal verb.
Darecan mean ‘challenge somebody’. With this meaning, it is a main verb and requires an object. Any verb that follows it is in theto-infinitive:
Go on, Idareyou.
Some snakes can bite but Idareyou to hold this big snake.
Darealso means ‘to be brave enough or rude enough to do something’. With this meaning, it can be used as an ordinary main verb which can be followed by ato-infinitive or an infinitive withoutto. Less commonly, it can be used as a semi-modal verb followed by an infinitive withoutto.
Affirmative statement
If Sallydares (to)go there again, she’ll be in big trouble!(ordinary verb)
Negative statement
He doesn’tdare (to)go there.(ordinary verb)
No onedares (to)go there.(ordinary verb)
No onedarego there.(semi-modal verb)
Affirmative question
Does anyonedare (to)go there?(ordinary verb)
Dareanyone go there?(semi-modal verb)
Negative question
Doesn’t hedare (to)go there?(ordinary verb)
Daren’the go there?(semi-modal verb)
Typical error
We don’t use infinitive withtoafter semi-modaldarein the expressionHow dare you:
Howdareyou suggest she was lazy!
Not:How dare you to suggest…
See also:
Modality: introduction
Ought to
Used to