uk/ɡrəˈdeɪ.ʃən/us/ɡreɪˈdeɪ.ʃən/gradationnoun[C or U](CHANGE)
agradualchange, or astagein theprocessofchange:
逐渐的变化;(变化过程的)阶段,层次The gradationin/oftempoin thispieceofmusicis verysubtle.这支曲子节奏的变化非常微妙。
Change and changes
- adjustment
- alteration
- anti-evolutionism
- be ahead of the curveidiom
- blip
- flip-flop
- fluctuation
- gyrate
- gyration
- inconstancy
- reversal
- reversion
- revolution
- rhythm
- sea change
- unsteady
- untick
- variation
- vicissitudes
- youthquake
gradationnoun[C or U](MARK)
(one of) a set ofmarksshowingunitsofmeasurementon ajug,tube, orinstrument:
刻度,量度the gradations on aruler尺子的刻度

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Measuring, weighing, & counting devices
- -scopic
- dial
- dipstick
- fitness tracker
- gage
- gamma counter
- gamma meter
- gauge
- hydrograph
- indicator
- manometer
- micrometer
- plumb line
- probe
- sensor
- smart meter
- straight edge
- tracker
- voltmeter
- weather balloon