asilvercoinused in the past, forexampleinEnglandandScotland:
(旧时在英格兰和苏格兰使用的一种)银币,格罗特When the fourpenny groat wasintroducedpassengershandedthat over.四便士的银币一经出现,乘客便开始使用。
Shefeltas if she had justrobbedalamebeggarof his last groat.她觉得自己仿佛抢走了一个跛足乞丐最后一枚银币。
- Theypaidhim a groat aday.
- Groatsbecamemoreestablishedafter they werereissuedin 1351 by Edward III, with alowerweightof 72grains.
- The groatreappearedas thesilverfourpennypiecein the 19thcentury.
- Altcoin
- ariary
- bimetallism
- bitcoin
- colon
- denomination
- escudo
- franc
- krone
- lira
- pieces of eight
- quetzal
- renminbi
- repeg
- ringgit
- rouble
- Schilling
- shekel
- shilling
[usually plural]
theseedpartofcropssuch asoats,wheat, andrye, withitshardoutershellremoved:
去壳谷粒(如燕麦粒、小麦粒、黑麦粒等)Cook until all theliquidisabsorbedand the groats arecookedthrough andtender.煮至所有液体均被吸收,谷粒熟透并变软。
Wholeoatsweregentlydried, thenlightlygroundtoloosentheiroutercasingandreleasethe groat.将燕麦整体微微烘干,然后轻轻磨松外壳,现出谷粒。
- Rolledoatsare made bysteaminggroats andflatteningthem with aroller.
- Split groats makeordinary, moregelatinousporridge.
- Kasha, also referred to asbuckwheatgroats, islowincaloriesandfat.
Fruits & seeds & their parts
- ackee
- aronia
- bergamot
- boll
- burr
- chia
- chitin
- coffee bean
- conker
- drupe
- endosperm
- grain
- kernel
- nut
- oilseed
- pip
- rind
- seed corn
- seed potato
- thistledown