aringofmetalor othermaterialprotectingtheedgeof aholethrough which something such as athreadorropeis put:
保护扣眼的金属圈,垫圈Thecoverhas grommets forattachingbungeecordsorropestoholdthecoverinplace.罩子上有扣眼护圈,蹦极绳或绳索从那里穿过去,将罩子固定起来。

Iryna Mylinska/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Thecanvasbagshavemetalgrommets andsnapclosures.
- Drive thescrewsthrough therubbergrommets.
- Thesturdyflagis 100%nylonwithstrongmetalgrommets.
Fasteners for clothes
- belt
- buckle
- buckled
- button fly
- button-through
- cinch
- eyelet
- fastener
- flies
- fly
- hook and eye
- lace
- snap
- snap fastener
- stud
- suspender
- Velcro
- zip
- zipsomething/someoneup
- zipper
grommetnoun[C](IN EAR)
UK(USear tube)
atubeput into theeardrum(= an insidepartof theearthatmoves,allowingyou tohearsounds)inordertohelpremoveliquid:
鼓室插管Manychildrenwithglueeararerecommendedto have grommets (smallplastictubes)fitted.许多患有胶耳的儿童被建议装上鼓室插管(小塑料管)。
- Children who haverecurrentearinfections, or achronicinfection(glueear), mayrequiretheinsertionofventilatingtubes(grommets) into theeardrum.
- Grommetsallowairinto theearcavity, which canhelpthefluiddrain.
- The lasttimeI was inhospitalwas when I was 5 andneededgrommets.
Medical dressings, supports & devices
- anti-shock
- auditory brainstem implant
- bind
- binder
- biomaterial
- biventricular pacemaker
- brace
- cotton wool
- Elastoplast
- induction loop
- kinesiology tape
- liposome
- medicine ball
- obturator
- oral implant
- plaster of Paris
- poultice
- sling
- wheelchair
- Zimmer frame
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Using the ears
ayoungsurfer,skateboarder, orsnowboarder:
(冲浪、滑板、单板滑雪)年轻生手Being a grommet – thenamegiven tojuniorsurfers– in thisenvironmentwas anecessarytransitiontoadultsurfing.在这种环境下,作为一名生手——这是给予少年冲浪者的称呼——是成为成人冲浪者的必要过渡。
小孩;儿童Little grommets werecryingastheirmumsleftthem at theschoolgate.学校门口的孩子们在妈妈离开的时候哭闹不止。
Theyleadus in to thevillage, agrowingentourageof grommetsjoiningus onourway.他们把我们领进村子,一路上不停地有小孩子加入我们的队伍。
Competitors & participants in sports & games
- back four
- baller
- ballplayer
- base jumper
- benchwarmer
- challenger
- jumper
- keeper
- longboarder
- major league
- mid-table
- midfield anchor
- midfield diamond
- racer
- retire
- trialist
- triathlete
- triple jumper
- triple threat
- utility
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Water sports
Skates & skateboards
Winter sports
Children & babies