alow,greenplantthatgrowsnaturallyover a lot of the earth'ssurface, havinggroupsof verythinleavesthatgrowclosetogether inlargenumbers:
草,青草abladeof grass一片草叶
cutthe grass割草
avaseofdriedflowersand grasses(= differenttypesof grass)插着干花草的花瓶

Justin Goode/Moment/GettyImages
(同 cannabis)- The grassglistenedin the early-morningdew.
- Hesaton the grass,strumminghisguitar.
- Anarrowbandof grassseparatedthegreenhousefrom thevegetablegarden.
- Visitors arerequestednot towalkon the grass.
- Wesaton theshadygrass forourpicnic.
Common plants
- African violet
- agave
- aloe
- aloe vera
- anise
- cow parsley
- crabgrass
- deadly nightshade
- fenugreek
- fern
- pampas grass
- poinsettia
- pot plant
- prickly pear
- Queen Anne's lace
- tumbleweed
- turves
- Venus flytrap
- wheat
- wheatgrass
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Specific types of drug
aperson, usually acriminal, whotellsthepoliceabout othercriminals'activities
告密者,通风报信者(通常指告发其同伙的罪犯)See also
People who reveal secrets & tell tales
- big mouth
- blabbermouth
- dobber
- fink
- informer
- nark
- rat
- rumour-monger
- scandalmonger
- scaremonger
- sneak
- snitch
- source
- stool pigeon
- supergrass
- tattletale
- telltale
- whistle-blower
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Miscellaneous criminals
the grass is (always) greener (on the other side)
putsomeoneout to grass