the ground[S]
thesurfaceof the earth:
地,地面Isatdown on the ground.我坐在地上。
- Cracks hadappearedin thedryground.
- Theplanedivedtowards the ground andexplodedin aballofflame.
- Aposthad beendriveninto the ground near thetree.
- Thenuclearwastehas beenentombedinconcretemanymetresunder the ground.
- At the end of theracehislegsgave out and hecollapsedon the ground.
The ground wasfrozenhard and wasimpossibletodig.土地冻实了,根本挖不动。
anareaoflandused for aparticularpurposeoractivity:
Thelakehasbecomeadumpingground fortoxicchemicals.这个湖成了倾斜有毒化学物品的地方。
skillslearnton thetrainingground(=placewheresportsteamspractise)在训练场上学到的技巧
thegardensandlandthatsurroundabuildingand often have awallorfencearound them:
(常由墙或栅栏围起来的建筑物周围的)庭院,场地,花园We went for awalkaround thehospitalgrounds.我们在医院的院子里散步走了几圈。
The Earth & outer space - general words
- ablate
- aeolian
- alluvium
- anti-gravity
- atmosphere
- auroral
- geo-
- geocentric
- geophysicist
- globe
- horizon
- lithosphere
- lithospheric
- mesosphere
- mesospheric
- microgravity
- the Big Bang
- the big bang theory
- the firmament
- underground
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Geography: areas of land in general
C2[Cusually plural]
areason,cause, orargument:
原因,根据,理由She issuingthecompanyongroundsofunfairdismissal.她正以公司不公正解雇她为由对其提起诉讼。
UKDo you have any groundforsuspectingthem?你有什么根据怀疑他们?
[+ to infinitive]We have groundstobelievethat you have beenlyingto us.我们有理由相信,你一直在对我们撒谎。
[+ that]Herefusedtoansweron thegroundsthatthequestionviolatedhisrightstoprivacy.他以个人隐私被侵犯为由拒绝作出答复。
the cause of something
- reasonI frankly don’t understand the reason for the delay.
- causeInvestigators have not yet determined the cause of the fire.
- rootWe need to get to the root of her problems.
- motiveThere seems to have been no motive for the murder.
- ground(s)On what grounds was she dismissed?
- There should be nodiscriminationon the grounds ofcolour.
- Do you have any grounds forcomplaint?
- Theaccusedpleadednotguiltyon grounds ofdiminishedresponsibility.
- Herefusedto say anything on the grounds that he mightincriminatehimself.
- She issuingthecompanyon grounds ofunfairdismissal.
Motives and reasons
- cause
- causeless
- drive
- first principles
- from a place ofidiom
- hidden agenda
- impulse
- in the name ofsomethingidiom
- inclination
- mainspring
- motivation
- motive
- name
- object
- peg
- place
- rationale
- should
- why
(知识、经验等的)领域,范围;学科When theconversationturnstopoliticshe'sonfamiliarground(= heknowsa lot about thissubject).当谈话转向政治时,他便如鱼得水。
Once we'dfoundsomecommonground(= things we bothknewabout)we got along very well together.在找到一些共同语言之后,我们开始相处融洽了。
Thelecturescovereda lot ofground(=includedinformationon many differentsubjects).这些演讲涵盖了众多学科的内容。
Ienjoyedher firstnovel, but Ifeltin the second she wasgoing over the sameground(=dealingwith the sameareaofexperience).我很喜欢她的第一部小说,但是我觉得她的第二部小说涉及的是同样的题材。
- Thedebateisbecomingpolarizedand thereseemsto be nomiddleground.
- Ithinkyou're on veryshakyground with thatargument.
- He'sannoyingtoarguewith because hekeepsshiftinghis ground.
- Thepartyhaswatereddownitssocialistidealsinordertoappealto thecentreground.
- Wecovereda lot of ground in the first fewweeksof thecourse.
Topics & areas of interest
- angle
- backyard
- bailiwick
- cause célèbre
- centrism
- con
- convention
- demesne
- front
- kingdom
- leitmotiv
- province
- scene
- score
- specialism
- subject
- talk
- thematic
- theme
- topically
gain ground
If apoliticalpartyor anideaorbeliefgainsground, itbecomesmorepopularoraccepted:
The Republicans aregainingground in thesouthernstates.
lose ground
If apoliticalpartyor anideaorbelieflosesground, itbecomeslesspopularoraccepted:
Moreconservativecandidatesarelosingground inkeybattlegroundstates.
[Cusually singular]US(UKearth)
awirethat makes aconnectionbetween apieceofelectricalequipmentand the ground, so theuserisprotectedfromfeelinganelectricshockif theequipmentdevelopsafault
地线Electrical switches & connections
- clicker
- coaxial
- corded
- dimmer
- dimmer switch
- junction box
- national grid
- outlet
- override
- patch
- pause
- plug
- plug(something)in/plug(something)intosomething
- plug-in
- powerbank
- putsomethingon
- spark plug
- switchboard
- terminal
- wire
thesmallgrainsofcoffeeleftat thebottomof acupor othercontainerthat has hadcoffeein it:
咖啡渣A lot ofcoffeeshopsgive away grounds for use incompost.
drive/workyourselfinto the ground
get (something) off the ground
go/be run to ground
on the ground
past simple and past participle ofgrind
(grind的过去式及过去分词)Squeezing and grinding
- compression
- concertina
- constrict
- constriction
- crush
- gnashyourteethidiom
- mash
- mill
- nip
- noncompressible
- pinch
- presser
- pulp
- snap
- squash
- squeeze
- squinch
- squish
- tamp
- unmilled
groundverb(KEEP ON LAND)
be grounded
If ashipis grounded, it cannotmovebecause it hashitsolidground:
使(船)搁浅Theoiltankerwas groundedonasandbank.油轮搁浅在一片沙滩上。
[Toften passive]
Ifaircraftare grounded, they arepreventedfromflyingororderednot tofly:
禁止…飞行;使停飞Thesnowstormmeantthat allplaneswere grounded.这场暴风雪导致航班全部停飞。
Air travel: travelling by aircraft
- aboard
- aeronaut
- air bridge
- air corridor
- air rage
- air taxi
- bird strike
- business class
- coach
- crash-land
- fogbound
- hop
- jet
- medevac
- non-flying
- post-landing
- reclaim
- scramble
- upgrade
- vertical take-off
toforbid(=refusetoallow)achildoryoungpersonfrom going out as apunishment:
罚(孩子)不许出门Myparentsgrounded me for aweek.我爸妈罚我一星期不许出门。
Punishing & punishments
- ankle bracelet
- ankle tag
- attach
- attachment
- bar
- be brought/called to accountidiom
- bring
- discipline
- flay
- flaysomeonealiveidiom
- get what's coming toyouidiom
- grounded
- hair shirt
- sentence
- sortsomethingout
- spare
- spare the rod and spoil the childidiom
- spot fine
- stringsomeoneup
- swing for itidiom
groundverb(PUT WIRE)
[Tusually passive]US(UKearth)
toconnectapieceofelectricalequipmentto the ground with awire:
把(电线)接地You could get anastyshockfrom thatwaterheaterif it isn't groundedproperly.如果电热水器接地不良的话,可能会发生很严重的触电事故。
Electricity & electronics
- anti-static
- arc
- bitstream
- brownout
- capacitance
- chargeable
- charged
- conduct
- electromagnetism
- generate
- hydropower
- negatively
- non-electric
- non-electrical
- non-electronic
- non-polar
- photoelectric
- piezoelectric
- pylon
- resistance
be grounded insomethingformal
to bebasedfirmlyon something:
根据,基于Fiction should be grounded inreality.小说应该以现实生活为基础。