greeting card
USus/ˈɡriː.t̬ɪŋ ˌkɑːrd/uk/ˈɡriː.tɪŋ ˌkɑːd/(UKgreetings card)apieceofthickpaperfoldedinhalfwith apictureon theoutsideand amessageinside, that you write in andsendor give to someone, forexampleatChristmasor on his or herbirthday

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Letters, notes and cards
- aerogramme
- air letter
- billet-doux
- chain letter
- Christmas card
- correspondence
- get-well card
- greetings card
- handbill
- hate mail
- invitation
- junk mail
- place card
- poison-pen letter
- postcard
- PS
- rejection
- round robin
- wire