uk/ˈɡrɪˈɡrɪ HOPE)
in a way that is withouthope:
绝望地;失去希望地Companies grimlyhangon tomarketsatnegligibleprofitmargins, andfinallygive up.企业绝望地以微不足道的利润紧紧抓住市场不放,最终放弃了。
Hisassessmentof thewaris grimlypessimistic.他对战争的评价是绝望悲观的。
- He is grimlyrealisticabout theparks'finances.
- A Californian grimlyobserved, "There's no such thing astruthanymore."
Not hopeful
- be in a funkidiom
- be on a hiding to nothingidiom
- bleak
- bleakly
- bleakness
- dispiritedness
- dispiritingly
- doomed
- doomster
- downcast
- downhearted
- gloom
- hopelessly
- hopelessness
- lose heartidiom
- merchant
- merchant of doom/gloomidiom
- someonecan't winidiom
- undone
- what are you going to do?idiom
in aworried,serious, orsadway:
"We have to get thosewindowsopen," Iannouncedgrimly to myhusband.“得想办法把这些窗子打开,” 我严厉地吩咐我丈夫。
- Ilookedaround at the grimlydeterminedfacesof thepassengers.
- Henoddedgrimly andlefttheroom.
- Sheclosedhereyesgrimly andpointedat thetable.
Anxious and worried
- (all) hot and botheredidiom
- -racked
- aflutter
- agitated
- angsty
- anxious
- fretfully
- frightened
- fuss
- get in a sweatidiom
- grim
- queasily
- queasiness
- queasy
- rattled
- rest easyidiom
- strung out
- worrier
- worrywart
- wound up
in anuglyorunpleasantway:
冷酷的;令人难以接受的As with the grimlyauthenticportraitoflifeinurbanBritainthatemerges, it'shardlypretty.正如英国城市生活的真实写照,它是不堪入目的。
Thefilmbeginsgrimly withdeadbodiesfloatingin themurkyThames.这部电影以悲惨情景开场--阴暗的泰晤士河中漂浮着尸体。
- Theimagesofcorpsesandtwisted,charredmetal, were grimlyfamiliar.
- a grimlyauthenticaccountof analcoholicwriterwrestlingwith hisaddiction
- He was theauthorof aseriesof grimlyrealisticnovelsaboutlifein the 1930s.
Serious and unpleasant
- abominable
- abominably
- abysmal
- abysmally
- apocalyptic
- fiendish
- fraught
- frightful
- from hellidiom
- fun
- nightmarish
- nightmarishly
- noisome
- not be all fun and gamesidiom
- objectionable
- vile
- woeful
- woefully
- wretchedly
- yucky