uk/ˈpiː.kɒk/us/ˈpiː.kɑːk/alargebird, themaleof which has verylongtailfeathersthat it canspreadout to showbrightcoloursandpatternsshapedlikeeyes
eROMAZe/ Vetta/GettyImages
a man is who is veryproudof hisappearanceand gives a lot ofattentionto hisclothesand the way hedresses
注重仪表和衣饰的男子,虚荣骄傲的男子Other wild birds
- bird of paradise
- blackbird
- blue tit
- bluebird
- bluejay
- finch
- flycatcher
- goldfinch
- greenfinch
- honeyeater
- lorikeet
- lyrebird
- macaw
- magpie
- martin
- song thrush
- sparrow
- squab
- starling
- swift
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Modern & fashionable
(of a man) tobehavein a way thatshowsthat he is veryproudof hisappearance, forexamplebywearingclothesthat makepeoplenoticehim:
Nowadays we're used tofootballofficialspeacocking around in everyconceivablecolour, but back thenpeoplewereutterlyshocked.
"Ithinkthelightbehind me could give anicesilhouette", says theboxer, peacocking down thealleytowards thecamera.
Attention-seeking, distracting and showing off
- conspicuous consumption
- dressed
- flamboyance
- flamboyantly
- flashsomethingaround
- flashily
- flashy
- flaunt
- gimmick
- grandstanding
- hotdog
- ostentatious
- posture
- push(something)forward
- razzmatazz
- self-conscious
- self-consciously
- self-consciousness
- showboat
- tarty