hamster wheel
uk/ˈhæm.stə ˌwiːl/us/ˈhæm.stɚ ˌwiːl/awheelfixedinpositionin themiddle,designedfor ahamsteror othersmallanimaltorunround and round inside asexercise:
仓鼠转轮At 3 a.m. I wasawakelisteningto therumblingof thehamsterwheel.凌晨三点,我还醒着,听着仓鼠转轮发出的轰轰声。

Burazin/Photographer's Choice RF/GettyImages
anactivitythatinvolvessomeone beingbusyall thetimebut neverachievinganythingimportantorreachingthe end of atask:
仓鼠转轮(比喻忙忙碌碌却一事无成)There's always something thatneedsto be done to thehouse. It's like ahamsterwheel.房子总有要修修补补的地方,就像仓鼠轮一样,没完没了。
Timespentjustsittingon atraincan be ararechancetostepoff thehamsterwheelandobservetheworld.坐在火车上的时间是一个难得的机会,可以让你离开犹如仓鼠转轮般的日常生活,观察这个世界。
- In thecorneris a littlecagewith ahamsterwheel.
- Theactincludedaboyrunningon theoutsideof whatlookedlike ahamsterwheel.
- He is on theperpetualhamsterwheelof thecorporatelecturecircuit.
- Mostphysiciansrightnow are on ahamsterwheel. They havetroublekeepingup.
- It justseemslike we'restuckon thishamsterwheelof, you get abigfire, you put allkindsofresourceson it, and thenbasicallyprayfor theweathertochange.
Animal dwellings - man-made
- animal shelter
- apiary
- aviary
- bird box
- birdcage
- crate
- doghouse
- dovecote
- fish tank
- fishbowl
- hive
- perch
- pigpen
- pigsty
- rabbit hutch
- rescue centre
- sanctuary
- skep
- stall
- sty
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Effort and expending energy
Useless and futile