abroom(= abrushwith alonghandle, forcleaningfloors)made fromthinstickstiedtogether at the end of athickerstick:
(长柄)扫帚Anelderlywoman wassweepingtheyardwith a birch-twig besom.一位老妇人用白桦树枝做成的扫帚正在清扫院子。

serikbaib/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Samset toworkwith a besom.
- You cansweepdeadleavesoff thelawnwith a besom.
- Everything in theshopis home-made:jarsofjellies,jamsandpickles;smallragrugs; besoms made withtwigsfrom thelocalwoods.
Equipment used for cleaning
- bath towel
- broom
- broomstick
- carpet sweeper
- chamois
- garbage stick
- HEPA filter
- Hoover
- household goods
- J-cloth
- paper towel
- pressure washer
- rag
- scrubbing brush
- squeegee
- towelette
- vacuum cleaner
- waste picker
- wet wipe
- wire brush
Scottish or Northern Englishinformal
aninsultingword for agirlor woman:
(侮辱性语言)娘们She was acheekybesom.她是个厚脸皮娘们。
- Oh, get amoveon, Bessie, yougreatbesom.
- Mymothersaid I was adirtybesom for notwearinganightdressinbed.