of thehighestquality, or being the mostsuitable,pleasing, oreffectivetypeof thing orperson:
最好的;最出色的;最优秀的This is the bestmealI'veeverhad.这是我吃过的最好的一餐。
He's one ofourbeststudents.他是我们最优秀的学生之一。
Are yousurethis is the best way of doing it?你肯定这是做这事的最佳方法吗?
What's the best(=shortestorquickest)way to get totheirhouse?哪条路去他们家最方便?
Yourparentsonlywantwhat is bestforyou.你父母只想把最好的给你。
She was my bestfriend(= thefriendIlikedmost).她是我最好的朋友。
It'sbest(= it iswise)toget to thesupermarketearly.最好早点儿赶到超市。
better than anyone or anything else
- bestShe was the best singer in the country.
- excellentHe was an excellent singer.
- superlativeShe gave a superlative performance.
- superbThe meal was absolutely superb.
- outstandingHe was an outstanding chef.
- Thistypeofnurserycaremay well be the bestchoiceforyourchild.
- Some of the bestwinescome from France.
- Hewontheawardfor bestactor, anddeservedlyso .
- Everyone hastheirownideasabout the best way tobringupchildren.
- That's the bestpieceofnewsI'veheardfor alongtime!
Good, better and best
- all is wellidiom
- at the best of timesidiom
- be the last word insomethingidiom
- better
- better stillphrase
- burnished
- gold standard
- high-quality
- knocksomethinginto a cocked hatidiom
- leavesomeone/somethingin the dustidiom
- milesidiom
- next-best
- second
- sound
- super good
- topper
- unsurpassed
- upyourgameidiom
- uplift
- well
be onyourbest behaviour
best bet
be the best thing since sliced bread
may the best man/person win!
putyourbest foot forward
with the best will in the world
in the mostsuitable,pleasing, orsatisfactoryway, or to thegreatestdegree:
最;最好地;最高程度地Whicheveningwouldsuityou best for theparty?晚会哪天晚上举行对你最合适?
The Grand Canyon is bestseenatsunset.大峡谷日落时最美。
He couldn'tdecidewhich one helikedbest(=preferred).他不知道自己最喜欢哪一个。
to thegreatestdegreewhen used as thesuperlativeofadjectivesbeginningwith "good" or "well":
(以 good 或 well 开头的形容词的最高级)They were the best-dressedcoupleat theparty.他们是舞会上衣着最华丽的一对。
He wasvotedthe best-looking(= mostattractive)actorinHollywood.他被选为好莱坞最英俊的男演员。
as bestyoucanmainlyUK
as well as you can:
It is adifficultpassage, but justtranslateit as best you can.这段文章确实很难,不过你尽力翻译就可以了。
- Forreasonsbestknownto himself he'sdecidedtoleavehisjob.
- "Thetablethat Ilikedbest was about sowide," she said,holdingherarmsout ametreand ahalf.
- We could go now or thisafternoon- whatevertimesuitsyou best.
- I'll have to do somethinkingabout how best toarrangethebooks.
- Under whatconditionsdoplantsgrowbest?
Good, better and best
- all is wellidiom
- at the best of timesidiom
- be the last word insomethingidiom
- better
- better stillphrase
- burnished
- gold standard
- high-quality
- knocksomethinginto a cocked hatidiom
- leavesomeone/somethingin the dustidiom
- milesidiom
- next-best
- second
- sound
- super good
- topper
- unsurpassed
- upyourgameidiom
- uplift
- well
do asyouthink best
had best
the mostexcellentin agroupof things orpeople:
最好的人(或事物)Mytastesaresimple- I only likethebest.我的品位很简单——我只喜欢最好的。
Hewantedthebest for hischildren- goodschools, anicehouse, andtripsabroad.他想让自己的孩子们享受到最好的一切——上好学校,住漂亮房子,还有去国外旅行。
I like all of Hitchcock'sfilms, but Ithink"Notorious" isthebest.我喜欢希区柯克所有的电影,不过我认为《美人计》是最棒的一部。
Chris and I arethebestoffriends(= we are veryclosefriends).克里斯和我是最好的朋友。
Best, ...informal
used at the end of afriendlymessageorletterbefore writingyourname:
I'llcallyou early nextweekto set up alunchdate. Can'twaittomeetyou. Best, Beth Morris
all the bestA2informal
used to saygoodbye, or to end aletterto someone youknowwell, or tosendgoodwishesto someone:
(用于告别或信末祝福)祝一切顺利!All the besttoyourparents!祝你父母万事如意!
at best
evenwhenconsideredin the mostpositiveway:
最多,充其量Thefoodwasblandat best, and atworstcompletelyinedible.这种食品往好了说,是清淡无味,往差了说,则根本不能吃。
at thehigheststandardthat can beachieved:
最高水平的Thedocumentarywas anexampleofinvestigativejournalismatitsbest.这部纪录片是调查性新闻报道的最佳范例。
be atyourbest
to be asactiveorintelligentas you can be:
处于最好状态I'm not at my best in themorning.上午我不在最佳状态。
best of all
this is the mostpleasingthing:
最棒的There waswonderfulfood, goodcompany, and, best of all, ajazzband.那儿有丰盛的食物,热情的伙伴,最棒的是还有一支爵士乐队。
best of luck
used towishsomeonesuccessbefore atest, etc. or adifficultactivity:
祝你好运USBest ofluckonyourfinals!祝你期终考试好运!
the best of
In asportsuch astennis, if youplaythe best of aparticularnumberofgames, youplaythatnumberofgamesand thewinneris theplayerwhowinsthegreatestnumberof thosegames:
…场比赛中的大部分胜利Shall weplaythe best of five?我们打五局三胜好吗?
do/tryyour(very) best
to make thegreatesteffortpossible:
尽力It doesn'tmatterif youfail, just doyourbest.即使失败了也没关系,只要你尽了力就行。
have had the best of
If you have had the best of something, you haveenjoyedthe mostpleasantpartof it, and everything that isleftisworse:
享受最佳部分Ithinkwe've already had the best of thehotweatherthissummer.我想我们已经度过了今年夏天最舒服的日子。
to the best ofyourability(alsoto the best ofyourabilities)
as well as you can:
尽力Just do thejobto the best ofyourability.只要你尽力工作就行了。
to the best ofmyknowledge/belief
from what Iknowandunderstandfrom theinformationthat I have:
据我所知To the best of myknowledge, thechemicalswhich werefoundare notdangerous.据我所知,那些被发现的化学品没有危险性。
for the best
If anactionis for the best, it is done toimproveasituationorproducea goodresult,althoughit mightseemunpleasantat thetime:
终究有好处Ending arelationshipis always hard but in thiscaseit's for the best.结束一段感情总是很难的,但这样做终究会对你有好处的。
make the best of
to make anunsatisfactorysituationaspleasantaspossible:
尽可能善用(不令人满意的处境)We'll have tospendthenighthere, so we might as well make the best of it.我们得在这地方住一夜,所以还是将就一下吧。
- He's one ofourbestsalesmen- infactI'd say he's the best.
- Herlatestfilm, bycommonconsent, is her bestyet.
- Thejudgeswillselectthe best from this year'scropof firstnovels.
- It's onlyhumannaturetowantthe best foryourchildren.
- Ourhotelis the best intown.
Good and excellent things
- badass
- be the best thing since sliced breadidiom
- beatification
- beaut
- beauty
- blinder
- flagship
- grouse
- high-end
- hot shit
- humdinger
- jim-dandy
- peach
- primo
- pull factor
- queen
- showstopper
- the jewel in the crownidiom
- the real deal
- the Rolls-Royce ofsomethingidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Written greetings
at the best of times
the best of a bad bunch/lot
the best of both worlds
the best of British (luck)
with the best of them
formaluk/best/us/best/todefeatsomeone in afightorcompetition:
击败;战胜He bested hisopponentin just tworounds.仅仅两个回合他就击败了对手。
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- thrash