uk/ˈrep.jə.tə.bli/us/ˈrep.jə.t̬ə.bli/accordingto what is said about someone or something:
There is a newrestauranton thecornerwhere thekebabsreputably aregreat.
He is reputably Ukraine'srichestman.
in a way that has a goodreputationand isableto betrusted:
声誉好地;有信誉地;值得信赖地a reputablywaterproofbrandofclothing著名的防水服装品牌
a reputablyruncompany一家信誉良好的公司
- Theyworearedtunicforbattle, reputably so that anysignofbloodwas noteasilynoticed.
- £250,000 is reputablyspenteachyearby thecompanyonbusinesstravel.
- Heconcentratedonbuildingup hispositionwith a reputably goodgovernmentbeside him.
Seeming and purporting to be
- apparent
- appear
- as if/thoughidiom
- by the look(s) of thingsidiom
- come across
- come off
- outward
- outwardly
- parallax
- pass
- pass for sb/sth
- persona
- semblance
- so-called
- sound
- superficial
- superficiality
- superficially
- supposed
- surface
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