theArabicnamefor atypeofpipeforburningtobacco, in whichsmokepassesthrough acontainerofwaterbefore it isbreathedin:
(阿拉伯)水烟Theterraceis one of the mostpleasantplacesin thecitytosmokea shisha, or waterpipe.这个露台是城里最惬意的地方之一,可以抽“shisha”,也就是水烟。
tobacco, usuallymixedwithherbsorflavourings,smokedusing ashishapipe:
(阿拉伯)水烟烟丝We don'tdrink. I don'tsmokecigarettes. But wesmokeshisha, it'spartofourculture.我们不喝酒。我不抽烟。但我们抽水烟,这是我们文化的一部分。
There are plenty ofplacesto go for shisha andcoffee.有很多地方可以去抽水烟、喝咖啡。
- They went into an Egyptian-style coffeehouse thatservedTurkishwaterpipes, called shisha.
- Many oftheirMiddleEasterncustomersenjoytheappleor mango-scentedtobaccoin a shisha for $12 to $20, therestaurateurssaid.
- Thecrazeforsmokingshisha hasspreadto thewest.
- Heboughtahookahayearago andtriedsmokingshisha athomewithfriends.
- Thetobaccosmokedin ahookah, called shisha, often isflavouredandsweetenedwithmolassesorhoney.
- Wesmokeapple-flavoured sheesha andtalk.
- Theyarguethatsecond-handshishasmokeis only about 20percenttobacco.
Tobacco & smoking
- anti-tobacco
- ashtray
- big tobacco
- briar
- chain-smoker
- cigarette
- cigarette butt
- cigarette holder
- fag
- filter tip
- lighter
- passive smoking
- puffer
- roll up!idiom
- roll-your-own
- second-hand smoke
- smokeless
- smoko
- tobacco
- weed