(alsorereview)uk/ˌriː.rɪˈvjuː/ustoreviewsomething(=check,think, ortalkabout it inorderto make adecision)again:
Theirstudyprotocolshave been re-reviewed andcleared.
Tyrepressure,shocks, and otherenginedetailsarereviewedand re-reviewed bycrewchiefsandteammembers.
If you re-review afilm,product,restaurant, etc., youwatchor use it again and giveyournewopinion:
I've re-reviewed therestaurantbecause they've justbroughtout a newmenu.
You could re-review theproductand show thedifferencebetween what youfoundand what thepreviouscustomerfound.
- Theyclaimedthat theofficerwas notauthorizedto re-review thepreviouslyapprovedplans.
- Thedoctortook it upon himself to re-review thecase,researchingtheliteratureandshowingtheevidenceto otherpathologists.
- Theboardhaspromisedto re-review thousands ofexperimentsto makesurethey aresafe.
Analysing and evaluating
- adjudication
- analysable
- analyse
- analyser
- enquiry
- gauge
- go over
- go through
- have the measure ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- inspect
- inspection
- probe
- reinterpretation
- reinvestigate
- reinvestigation
- research
- risk assessment
- scratch
- the acid test
- vet
(alsorereview)uk/ˈriː.rɪˌvjuː/ustheactofreviewingsomething(=checking,thinking, ortalkingabout it inorderto make adecision)again, or anoccasionwhen thishappens:
They are doing acompletere-review of theinternalaffairsprocess.
Thearticlehas beensentback to thepublisherfor re-review.
- TheFBIisconductinga re-review of thecasein thelightof newevidence.
- Theorganizationis doing a rereview ofcurrentlistingstoensurecompliancewithstandards.
- Individuals should beallowedto go back andseekre-testing and re-review.
Judgments and analyses
- analysis
- anatomy
- appraisal
- appraisee
- assessment
- construction
- counter-interpretation
- impact statement
- interpretation
- job evaluation
- judgment
- misanalysis
- notice
- rap
- rating
- re-evaluation
- restudy
- self-appraisal
- self-assessment
- study