uk/ˈhʌn.i.dʒuː/us/ˈhʌn.i.duː/honeydewnoun(STICKY SUBSTANCE)
astickysubstancesimilartohoney,leftonleavesby sometypesofinsect
(某些昆虫分泌的)蜜露Glues, gluing & stickiness
- adhere
- adhesion
- adhesive
- binder
- Blu-Tack
- gloop
- gloopy
- glue
- glue gun
- glue stick
- gum
- gummy
- plaster
- putty
- Scotch tape
- sliminess
- slimy
- spirit gum
- sticky
- tacky
[CorU](alsohoneydew melon)
atypeofmelon(=largefruitwith athickskin)that haswhite,green, oryellowskinandsweet,palegreenfleshwith a lot ofjuice:
He made arefreshingfruitsaladfrom honeydewmelon,kiwifruit, andredgrapes.
Use amelonballer to make 16ballsof honeydewmelon.

Tobias Titz/GettyImages
- Iprefercanteloupes to honeydewmelons.
- Honeydewmelonwith Parmahamis aclassiccombinationfor astarter.
- Honeydew is sodeliciouslysweetandcoolingon ahotday.
Types of fruit
- ackee
- alligator pear
- amla
- angelica
- açaí
- cooker
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- loquat
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
- raisin