towantsomething tohappenor to betrue, and usually have a goodreasontothinkthat it might:
希望,盼望I'm hopingforaninterviewnextweek.我盼望着下星期有一次面试。
[+ (that)]She's hoping(that)she won't be away toolong.她希望她不会离开太久。
I hope(that)she'llwin.我希望她能赢。
We have to hopeandpray(that)theoperationwill go well.我们只能祈祷手术顺利。
[+ to infinitive]They hopetovisitus nextyear.他们希望明年能来我们这里作客。
It's goodnews, I hope.我希望是好消息。
"Will you be at themeetingtomorrow?" "I hopenot/so".“你明天会参加那个会议吗?”“恐怕不行/我想是的。”
- I hope they get thepunishmenttheydeserve.
- What do you hope togainfrom thecourse?
- I was hoping toleaveworkearly today.
- She is hoping to get aloanfrom herbanktohelpher out of herfinancialpredicament.
- Maggiesendsherloveand hopes you'llfeelbettersoon.
Hoping and hopefulness
- appealingly
- boosterish
- boosterism
- cautious
- cautiously
- glass
- hopeful
- hopefully
- hopefulness
- ill
- it's an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)idiom
- la-la land
- over-expectation
- pinyourhopes onsomething/someoneidiom
- pipe dream
- please Godidiom
- Pollyanna
- positive
- trust
- wing
We use expect to say that we believe that something will happen. We use expect in the following main patterns:…Expect
We use expect to say that we believe that something will happen. We use expect in the following main patterns:…Hope
We use hope when we do not know whether something will happen or not but we want it to happen. We use hope in the following patterns:…Wait
We use wait when we refer to letting time pass because we are expecting that something is going to happen. We use wait in the following main patterns:…Expect, hopeorwait: typical errors
We don’t use wait or wait for to say that we believe that something will happen. We use expect:…Hope
Hope is a verb and a noun.…Hopeas a verb
After hope, we often use present verb forms even when there is reference to the future:…Hopeas a noun
We can use hope as a countable noun:…Idioms
hope against hope
hope for the best
something good that youwanttohappenin thefuture, or aconfidentfeelingabout what willhappenin thefuture:
希望,祈望What areyourhopes anddreamsforthefuture?你对未来有什么希望和梦想?
Is there any hopeofgettingfinancialsupportfor theproject?这个项目有没有希望得到资金上的支持?
[+ that]Is there any hopethatthey will behomeintime?他们有没有希望及时回到家?
Youngpeoplearegrowingup inourcitieswithout any hopeoffindingajob.城市里的年轻人在一天天长大,却根本就没有希望找到工作。
They havepinned(all)theirhopeson(= they aredependingforsuccesson)theirnewplayer.他们把(所有)希望都寄托在新队员身上了。
She's veryill, but there's still hope/weliveinhope(= wethinkshe might becured).她病得非常重,但是仍有希望/我们觉得仍有希望。
Thesituationis nowbeyond/pasthope(=unlikelytoproducethedesiredresult).现在的情况已经毫无希望了。
We nevergave uphope(=stoppedhoping)that she would befoundalive.我们从未放弃她能够生还的希望。
Theletterofferedusaglimmer/rayof(= a little)hope.这封信给了我们一线希望。
I didn'tphoneuntil four o'clockin thehopethatyou'd befinished.我一直到4点钟才打电话是希望这时你会完成了。
Idon'tholdout muchhopeofgetting(= I don'texpectto beableto get)aticket.我对弄到票不抱多大希望。
something you want to do or achieve
- aimOur aim in protesting is to raise awareness of the unfairness of the system.
- goalMy goal in life has always been to be financially independent.
- objectiveOne of my objectives for this year is to increase sales.
- targetIf you meet your sales targets you will receive a generous bonus.
- dreamWhen I was growing up my dream was to perform in front of millions of people.
- hopeMy hope is that there will be some kind of positive outcome to this process.
- We still haven't given up hope offindingheralive.
- Thelatestviolencehasdestroyedanyremaininghopes for an earlypeaceagreement.
- The hope is that thisareawilldevelopinto avibrantcommercialcentre.
- Thedoctorsgave him morepowerfuldrugsin the hope that he mightrecover.
- There is still some hope that theeconomicblockadewillworkand makemilitaryinterventionunnecessary.
Hoping and hopefulness
- appealingly
- boosterish
- boosterism
- cautious
- cautiously
- glass
- hopeful
- hopefully
- hopefulness
- ill
- it's an ill wind (that blows nobody any good)idiom
- la-la land
- over-expectation
- pinyourhopes onsomething/someoneidiom
- pipe dream
- please Godidiom
- Pollyanna
- positive
- trust
- wing
Hope is a verb and a noun.…Hopeas a verb
After hope, we often use present verb forms even when there is reference to the future:…Hopeas a noun
We can use hope as a countable noun:…Idioms
hope over experience
not have a hope in hell