horseshoe crab
uk/ˈhɔːs.ʃuː ˌkræb/us/ˈhɔːrs.ʃuː ˌkræb/(alsoking crab)atypeofseacreaturewith a hardroundedshellshapedlike ahorseshoeor theletterU, fivepairsoflegs, and alongtail:
马蹄蟹Horseshoecrabsarrivein May tolayeggson thebeaches.马蹄蟹五月来到海滩上产卵。

Muslianshah Masrie/Photodisc/GettyImages
- Environmentalists say more must be done toprotecthorseshoecrabsbecause theyprovidevitalfoodformigratoryshorebirds.
- Thepalesandisdottedwithhorseshoecrabsanddriftwood.
- Thehorseshoecrabusesitsice-pick-liketailtosteerin thewaterand torightitself should it beoverturnedin thesand.
- Prehistorictrilobiteslookedsimilartohorseshoecrabs.
Sea creatures
- abalone
- amphipod
- anemone
- barnacle
- barrier reef
- cowrie
- crab
- cray
- crayfish
- crustacean
- littleneck clam
- lobster
- marron
- mollusc
- mussel
- shellfish
- shipworm
- shrimp
- squid
- starfish