dishonesttalk, writing, orbehaviourthat isintendedtodeceivepeople:
Iknowhumbug when Iseeit.
Herargumentsareimpeccableand she hasabsolutelynotolerancefor humbug.
Lies, lying & hypocrisy
- a pack of liesidiom
- artifice
- bad faith
- black is whiteidiom
- cakeism
- canard
- falsehood
- falsification
- feedsomeonea lineidiom
- fib
- fiction
- lie
- myth
- mythologically
- mythologize
- perjure
- venality
- weasel words
- white lie
- whopper
a hardsweet, usually with aminttasteandstripsof two differentcolourson theoutside:

Tim Grist/Snapwire/
- almond paste
- baking chocolate
- barley sugar
- bitter chocolate
- bittersweet chocolate
- comfit
- confectioner
- confectionery
- cooking chocolate
- cotton candy
- Jordan almond
- jujube
- Kendal mint cake
- licorice
- liquorice
- selection box
- semisweet chocolate
- sherbet
- spun sugar
- stick of rock
someone who says they haveparticularmoralbeliefsbutbehavesin way thatshowsthese are notsincere:
You're all abunchof humbugs, the lot of you!
He was a humbug: aformerleftistwhoveeredto theextremerightwhen his owninterestswerethreatened.
Dishonest people
- birther
- cadger
- charmer
- cheat
- cheater
- deceiver
- hoaxer
- hustler
- hypocrite
- knave
- liar
- perjurer
- profiteer
- rigger
- ringer
- scammer
- trickster
- wheeler-dealer
bah humbug
said in acriticalway to someone who iscomplainingabout something that should beenjoyable,especiallyChristmas. Theexpressionwas used by thecharacterEbenezer Scrooge in thestory"AChristmasCarol" by Charles Dickens:
It'seasyto say "bahhumbug" over the earlyappearanceofChristmasdecorationsin theshops.
He won'tletthekidsplayfootballon hislawn-bahhumbug!
Linguistics: interjections
- aiyo
- alack
- alas and alackphrase
- attaboy
- attagirl
- auf Wiedersehen
- aw shucks
- figure
- goodo
- more
- more power toyourelbow!idiom
- need
- need I say more?idiom
- neener, neener
- no siridiom
- period
- small wonderidiom
- sweet
- the rest is historyidiom
- you seeidiom
totryto make someone give you something, espciallymoney, byaskingfor it manytimes:
She told herbrothershe hadlostherjobtostophim humbugging herforcash.
They don't like thefactthatbeggarsare humbugging on thestreets.
First he humbugs them, and then theypaytohearhimtellhow he did it!
Theybelievewe are being humbugged byjournalistswho should beprovidingus withreliableinformation.
Making appeals & requests
- appellate
- ask forsomeone
- behest
- call for orderphrase
- call onsomeone
- callsomeonein
- cap
- claim
- demand
- implore
- invite
- pay claim
- petitioner
- propitiation
- push forsomething
- put in forsomething
- put the squeeze onsomeoneidiom
- reapply
- requester
- requisition
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cheating & tricking